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Showing posts from January, 2007

I haven’t posted in a while so this is where I’m at. I am happy that chemo is almost over. I am sad that my family has to go through this. My mom and my sisters because they already went through it with Sharon with not so good results, and for my husband and kids who have to have a “sick mom” and watch my misery when I am not having a good day. I am frustrated that I get tired just walking up the stairs. That is why my laundry is suffering. I went down to look for warm socks for Jeff to wear to work and broke a sweat rummaging through the laundry basket! I am mad that I have gained more than 10 pounds from the steroids and from being in “chemo pause”. And as my friend Kim from Jland put it, I am PISSED that I have breast cancer! I am also angry that anyone has to have their life disrupted by cancer. The treatment, the side effects, the emotional state it puts you, your friends and your family through. And the surgeries, the constant, doctor appointments, shots and tests. But most

I'm here on the couch

  The week following chemo went ok. I had Chemo last week on Monday and didn’t start feeling the side effects until Wednesday afternoon. My mom came over and cooked dinner and spent the day with me. She rubbed my legs for me when the pain would shoot through my body. I had a lot of bone pain so I was taking some good pain medication and it helped. I am feeling better now, just some really bad mouth sores and I am so tired I can’t do anything. I went to the doctor yesterday for my blood work. My White count is low so I am starting antibiotics and have to start my shots. My red count was also low so I had to have a shot for that too. Now I know why I have been getting tired out so easy. I was hoping to work this week but I can’t go in because of my white count being so low. There are just too many germs in a school, and I already have a sore throat so I better not take a chance. I am getting so bored. I wish it was spring so I could sit in my backyard on my swing! I would love that.

Feeling good!

I am having a good day! I have not had one ache or pain at all. I was in such a funk for the last few weeks and I started to snap out of it on Friday. I feel a little tired but that’s it. Yay!! I even went out to dinner with Pam, Mike and Jeffrey . Saturday I went to the show with Sue and Brad and then we went to the grocery store. On the way home from the show Brad my sisters son said, “mom remember when I thought Hooters was a donut shop because of the 2 big owl O’s in the word Hooters.” I laughed so hard! I think everyone has seen the Hooters sign somewhere. I think we all gawk when we go I am really losing my eyelashes and eyebrows now and it looks so weird. If I put on eyeliner you can’t tell unless you look really close but it does make me look like a cancer patient. My hair is starting to grow! It is getting all fuzzy on the top like a chick. Jeff called me a chia pet last night. lol I am just happy to be in a good mood! But…..Monday I get another treatment. It is n