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Showing posts from July, 2007

Back from vacation and good news.

I am home from vacation. We had such a nice time. We were camping i n Musk e geon on Lake M i chigan for 10 d ays. Just a lot of hanging o ut w ith my family, bike riding, long car rides exploring, and eating! On th e second ni g ht there we had a king crab leg feast. I t was so good. My sister Sue deep fri e d some s h rimp for me because she knows how much I love it.  I must have ate 30 shrimp myself. I am craving it right now. Pam and Mike had so many funny jokes to play on us.  My friends Vic and Panda came for a few days with their daughter and Megan and George came up on Thursday with the dog. We all had so much fun and it was just what I needed. While I was camping I go t a call from my son Jeffrey who said he was los t in do w ntown Detroit because he was going with Bonnie to pic k up his marriage l i cen s e. Then he told me that they would be married the following Monday. Huh What? I had my bi o psy sch e duled for the same time th e y picked to be married so th

Biopsy scheduled but first VACATION!

I got a call from my oncologist office. They said that I needed to make an appointment with my surgeon because they want to biopsy the lump. She said that they think it is a cyst but because it is so close to the chest they don’t want to call it a cyst. A cyst sounds good to me. I went to my surgeon he felt the lump too and he wants me to have a ultrasound guided biopsy. Personally I just want the thing removed. Out of me! The thing is I am leaving for vacation Thursday and he wanted me to have it done before I left, but they couldn’t schedule it before then. Then the Breast Cancer Center calls me and tells me they want to do another ultrasound. Now I am just confused. Why do I have to have another ultrasound? I have no idea. So I have an ultrasound the day after I get back from vacation.  I have to go get my port flushed tomorrow at the oncologist office so I will be stopping by the front desk for sure to ask what the heck is going on. But ya know what? I am going on my vacation and I

I Went For My Tests

Well I went for my tests. I won’t know anything until I go to my oncologist on Tuesday. When I went in for my mammogram my sister Pam and my mom went with me. I felt so bad because they had to wait while I was in there for about an hour and a half!  I felt like I was having deja vu . It was the same thing as last year. Take a film she leaves the room, comes in takes another. I have to say it really hurt. The left side because of my surgery and radiation and the right side because of my port! She had to squish my port into the machine to get all the breast tissue up to the muscle. She tried to pull the port aside and do the films, but she came back and said, “ I know this is going to be uncomfortable for you but I have to get the film with the port in it because I am not getting all the area he needs to read the film. Whatever, I bit my lip and let her do what she had to do and thought myself, you have been through worse, you can do this. Then she came in and told me he wanted to do an