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Showing posts from January, 2008

Update on my mom.

My mom is still in the hospital. As I write this they are doing a barium test to see what the heck is going on. She started to get better and they took the tube out of her nose and they started her on a liquid diet and then eased her into a soft diet. Well last night right before we left she started getting sick again. Something is just not right. The doctor said they are doing this test and if she is not better they will most likely do surgery. She is really upset because with this surgery you usually have to have a colostomy bag for a few months to prevent infection. I told her we will deal with it if it happens and not to get all worked up over it. She is just miserable. Just wanted to update everyone on my mom. Jeff just got home from work so we are heading up there right now.

My mom is in the hospital.

My mom went to emergency early Sunday morning. I got a call on my cell phone from my sister Sue. It was about 3:30 a.m. so when it rang I knew somthing was wrong.  Her stomach was hurting and she was in a lot of pain. This happened in the fall too and she spent time in the hospital for diverticulitis. She had a CAT scan and they said she has a blockage in her lower bowels and it is not diverticulitis. I went up there yesterday and she was in so much pain and getting sick. The surgeon was in today and said if she is not better in a couple days then she has to have surgery. Today they put a tube in her nose and it is draining her stomach. She hates "that damn tube" as she puts it. When I left they were taking her down to X ray.  I just hate seeing her like this. I really hope this is nothing to worry about. I have to go have a mammogram February 4th. Ugggg. Not looking forward to it. To many bad memories there. It will be the beginning of all the tests that I will have to have

I Used To Have Rhythm!

I started a diet and exercise program. I have been trying to exercise every other day. I have two 5lb. weights so I  have been working out my arms too. The left arm isn’t cooperating too well but it is getting stronger. I just have a hard time lifting it over my head.  These little chickies on the workout videos I do have been doing are getting on my last nerve…”come on, you can do it, smile, you will be in a bikini before you know it”, yeah right, a bikini? I don’t think so. I have a hard time keeping up with their fancy little moves. I use to to be able to keep up now I look like a cheerleading tryout reject.  I use to have rhythm! Then just when they say..”come on, only 5 more minutes to go”, that is when I collapse on the couch in a heap. Then I look over to see baby Jeffrey is bouncing like a maniac in his bouncer. I wish I had his energy!! The other day I got up had my coffee, made a slim fast shake in the blender, and I was feeling gooooooood. I’m thinking OK! I can do this!!Th