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Feeling good!

I am having a good day! I have not had one ache or pain at all. I was in such a funk for the last few weeks and I started to snap out of it on Friday. I feel a little tired but that’s it. Yay!! I even went out to dinner with Pam, Mike and Jeffrey . Saturday I went to the show with Sue and Brad and then we went to the grocery store. On the way home from the show Brad my sisters son said, “mom remember when I thought Hooters was a donut shop because of the 2 big owl O’s in the word Hooters.” I laughed so hard! I think everyone has seen the Hooters sign somewhere. I think we all gawk when we go

I am really losing my eyelashes and eyebrows now and it looks so weird. If I put on eyeliner you can’t tell unless you look really close but it does make me look like a cancer patient. My hair is starting to grow! It is getting all fuzzy on the top like a chick. Jeff called me a chia pet last night. lol

I am just happy to be in a good mood! But…..Monday I get another treatment. It is number 6 so only 2 more after that. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I just wonder if this treament is going to hit me as hard as the last. I really hope not.

The Genetic Lab called and the blood sample they took didn’t have any white cells in it so they have to draw more blood for my tests when I go in for chemo on Monday. I still don’t know how I feel about this Gene test they are doing. But I am doing it just to see what’s going on in this body of mine. What I will do with the information, I still have no idea.

I have been so bored!

These are the things that I have been doing that make me know that I am bored out of my mind….

1. I watched America’s Next Top Model Marathon on VH1 for about 4 days straight.

2. I am watching a Africam online. This is a camera in Africa that shows a watering hole and wild animals that visit it. So far I have seen 2 elephants, some giraffes, a few birds and 2 ducks. I spotted a blur of what I think might have been a tiger but I’m not sure. (I might have missed a few animals while I turned my head to watch America’s Next Top Model)

3. I have redecorated my living room in my head about 100 times.

4. I have looked in the refrigerator and freezer about 1,000 times.

5. I have balanced my checkbook to the penny.

6. I cleaned out my purse and found a receipt from Walgreen dated for June.

7. I have been through all my “favorites” online, and deleted the ones that are not my favorite anymore.

8. I cleaned out the silverware drawer!!. You know your bored when you do that.

9. I have stopped and looked in the mirror 100 times to look at the eyebrow and eyelash dilemma.

10. I have counted the hairs on my head that are starting to grow and even thought about measuring one that I think might be an inch long.

The funny thing is, I have done all this…and my little Christmas tree is still up! Too funny!

I just spotted a herd of something deer? Gazelles? And a monkey! I’m going back to watch the Africam. Here’s the link if your as bored as I am…












Anonymous said…
Bless your heart! I am so happy for you to be feekling better!! ANd you are almost through the treatments!!! YA-YA!!!!
love ya,
Anonymous said…
How cool...I am gonna check out your link...I am so happy to hear you are feeling good...will continue to pray for you...Keep on fighting this thing!!!! Big hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Trish... BIG BIG hugs for you!!  You are so awesome!  Not only are you feeling better, which makes me want to jump for joy (literally), but you are being fun and silly, and I love it!  This entry was the best one I've read all day because I could feel your positive, happy vibes traveling straight through my computer screen!  I pray that your next chemo is good for you, and you know what?  With as beautiful a face as you have, who needs eyebrows or eyelashes??  We should all be so lucky! :)

You keep up that awesome attitude, girl!  You are right around the corner from being done with all this!!  

Now.. I'm going to check out that link you left!

Big hugs and lots of love

Anonymous said…
Okay, it's later tonight, after we IM'd and the boys were put to bed, and I saw the duck.  It stood, then sat, then pooped and then tucked his head under for a nap.  LOL!  You are too funny.  It's good to hear you are feeling good.  oh!  now it's two ducks and they are squawking.  It's good imagery for you while you are getting your chemo tomorrow.  :-)  I hope this round isn't so rough on you.  Take care.  The light is definitely at the end of the tunnel!!

Anonymous said…
glad you had a good day... you have a great attitude...LOL at the things you have been doing while bored..what's sad is I have done a few of them myself..;-)
have a great week!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to hear that you are doing better.  Linda
Anonymous said…
I am so glad that you are feeling well.  Don't fret aout Monday...that is still DAYS away!  Enjoy every minute of every day.  

I bet the chia pet look is adorable!

XO, Sus
Anonymous said…
SO glad you have been feeling good...
Been thinking about you =)
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers always

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