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I haven’t posted in a while so this is where I’m at.

I am happy that chemo is almost over.

I am sad that my family has to go through this. My mom and my sisters because they already went through it with Sharon with not so good results, and for my husband and kids who have to have a “sick mom” and watch my misery when I am not having a good day.

I am frustrated that I get tired just walking up the stairs. That is why my laundry is suffering. I went down to look for warm socks for Jeff to wear to work and broke a sweat rummaging through the laundry basket!

I am mad that I have gained more than 10 pounds from the steroids and from being in “chemo pause”.

And as my friend Kim from Jland put it, I am PISSED that I have breast cancer! I am also angry that anyone has to have their life disrupted by cancer. The treatment, the side effects, the emotional state it puts you, your friends and your family through. And the surgeries, the constant, doctor appointments, shots and tests.

But most of all I am grateful for my friends and family that are always there for me and understand when I ramble on about my treatment or how miserable I am.

I went to work 3 days last week. It was nice to feel good enough to go to get out of the house. I work 2 hours a day and I am exhausted after the first hour! Lol I really can’t wait to get back into shape and have energy again.

We had a good day Sunday. We went for our weekly family breakfast. This week 13 of us showed up! What fun. It’s so nice to get with the family and catch up with everyone’s week. Last week at breakfast, Jeff was talking to Sue and he said something about his “ball and chain” (me!) and Sue goes…you mean your BALD AND CHAIN!!!  Very funny Sue!!! We had a good laugh.

I have to talk about my dog Dabny. I swear he never leaves my side. He follows me everywhere! When I am sleeping or laying on the couch he is right there wrapped in my arm. He loves to snuggle. I get up and go to the bathroom, he follows me, I go to the kitchen, he follows me. Everywhere I go….he follows me. I trip on him, step on him even accidentally kicked him in the mouth the other day and heard his teeth clink, and yet….he follows me….So today I am up in Jeff’s hang out…den or whatever he wants to call it, and Dabny thinks I am leaving the room, so he races down the stairs. Then you hear him come back up the stairs because he lost me and Jeff says “hide behind the door”….so here I am a 43 year old women hiding from my dog behind the door. He walks in and doesn’t see me and goes in my bedroom, and then runs down the stairs, then back up the stairs and into Jeff’s room, then back into my room, back down the stairs and back in Jeff’s room. This went on for about 5 minutes and Dabny made 5 trips up and down the stairs franticly looking for me. Meanwhile…yes…I am still behind the door and Jeff is laughing his butt off. When he finally found me after a major hint, he jumped up on my leg and was so happy! Then I looked and I swear he had tears coming out of his eyes (unless it was just exhaustion from running up and down the stairs). I felt so bad. (Jeff put me up to it) He is 15 years old. I really don’t know what I will do without him one day. He is my buddy!

Today I will go for my 7th treatment. I feel so good right now so I am truly dreading it. I only have 1 more treatment on February 19 so knowing that makes it a little easier to take. I just want to run and hide from it. Should I hide behind the door? Hee hee.










Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say that I think you are an amazing woman with an amazing spirit and you inspire me ...if i haven't commented before I'm lyn and I probably found you through Kimberly..have a great week!

Anonymous said…
  My dog always is by the side of who ever is sick in the family.  We call her the nurse dog.  We always know when we are better when she doesn't shadow our every move.
   One more treatment after this one, Yippy.

Anonymous said…
I think it is great that you have this journal. It is a big help, I think, to have a sharing- sometimes venting place. And J-land, as you've probably discovered already, has the BEST PEOPLE in the world. They are so quick to uplift, encourage and support. I'm sorry all of you have to go through this. I went through this with a younger sister, years ago. *love  your dog's name and reading about him. He'd be such a delight to have around.
Anonymous said…
You rant all you want...those of us who have not gone through what you are going through still understand what a time this is for you...i am sorry your children and family have to go through all of this as well...pray for a full complete recovery...hang in there and keep on fighting!!!  And as for being pissed i am pissed you have to be going through this too!!! Big hugs to you and prayers!!!!  TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Recovery is a slow and steady pace, but it feels so good when you have a 'normal' day! Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since my final treatment and as you already read in my blog I was out shaking my groove thang Friday night! Bald Chicks Rock!!!! lol lol lol I got a good tip from another survivor as far as recovery from chemo goes, however long your treatment was is how long it will take you to get back to 'normal' so both of us will be ready for hot summer nights! lol


Anonymous said…
Big hugs to you today, treatment #7.  
Oh poor little Dabney!!  LOL!  It's funny and pitiful at the same time!  What a sweet little companion and what a comfort he must be.  He's probably the best medicine and psychologist all wrapped up in one cute little furry package.
I'm so glad you are near the end of your treatment!!  Yipee!  Hang on to that.
Take care, Stephanie
Anonymous said…
Trish, go ahead and vent, you've earned that right with all you've been going through, but look at the positive side only one other treatment.  Hard as its been on your and your loved ones, remember they are just glad they could be there for you and that you are doing great, they wouldn't want to be any other place but, by your side.  And that goes for Dabny, pets know and he is there to give you comfort.  Like Kim, keep a positive attitude and get your feelings out it really helps.  I truly understand your feelings, both my Sis Mary Ann (twice) and my mother-in-law Dorothy have had breast cancer.  Sis is doing great and Dorothy passed away 24 years after her breast cancer at age 89 and enjoyed those years to the fullest. Take care....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
{{{{Trish}}}}  Never lose your sense of humor, sweetie!  It will get you through all those rough days, and those times when you feel like you just can't take one more day of any of it!  It's nearly over!  Hang in there!

Have you ever wondered why Dog is god spelled backward?  Dogs are so loving, and accept you and love you unconditionally.  I know my Chi knows when I am sad, or sick, or hurt..   She reacts to my body language, and wants to be everywhere I am.  Do I believe that your dog had tears in his eyes?  Absolutely, I do!  My best friend is my dog.  Believe it! :)

Hugs and love sweetie......prayers and good wishes coming your way!

Anonymous said…
Hey girlie...
Been thinking about you, sorry i haven't been around much...been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...
You have such a great sense of humor =)  That is hilarious about your dog...he loves you soooo!   My chihuahua is the same way....he stays on my heels...isn't it sweet know they love us that much.... Yours sure is a cutie!
One more treatment...YAYYYY!
Take care....
Anonymous said…
Hey Trish, you are doing great, girl!  Keep it up, you are almost there!  Miss you over on the Oct chemo board....stop by and visit when you get a chance!  I took a break for a while too, but now I am back.  5 more weeks of chemo and then I start rads!  I can't believe how far we have come....makes me realize that we really will be done someday!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

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