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I'm here on the couch


The week following chemo went ok. I had Chemo last week on Monday and didn’t start feeling the side effects until Wednesday afternoon. My mom came over and cooked dinner and spent the day with me. She rubbed my legs for me when the pain would shoot through my body. I had a lot of bone pain so I was taking some good pain medication and it helped. I am feeling better now, just some really bad mouth sores and I am so tired I can’t do anything.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my blood work. My White count is low so I am starting antibiotics and have to start my shots. My red count was also low so I had to have a shot for that too. Now I know why I have been getting tired out so easy. I was hoping to work this week but I can’t go in because of my white count being so low. There are just too many germs in a school, and I already have a sore throat so I better not take a chance. I am getting so bored. I wish it was spring so I could sit in my backyard on my swing! I would love that.

I met the sweetest man in the doctor’s office. He was sitting there with his wife and we started talking. He was there for his first chemo treatment for lung cancer. I told him not to worry and that he can do this! Here I was, giving advice to a cancer patient…who knew I would one day know so much about cancer drugs and what side effects to expect that I could give someone advice about it. When I was waiting for my blood results, I popped my head around the corner to his treatment room and waved and told him…“just checking on you.” It is so weird because I found myself feeling sorry for him and wanting to guide him through this somehow. I hope he is doing ok. I just can’t believe what cancer patients have to go through. But then again I am thankful that they can even do what they do. Chemo does work! It’s not a cure or a guarantee that you will never have a reoccurrence, but it does work!

My nephew Bobby and his wife Stephanie had a baby boy January 12. His name is Jaiden Hunter Shufeldt. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 ozs. He is so cute and they are such proud parents. Bobby is still beaming. This is my sister Sue's second grandchild. This makes 3 great grand children for mymom!  I also have some news about grandchildren that I will be posting in a couple weeks......

I have had a few miserable days here on the couch so my mom is over right now to spend some time with me. It helps so much. Jeff wants to keep her!!









Anonymous said…
I will be praying for you to get through this and get your blood count ready for your next chemo treatment....Sweet baby....and you look good even without makeup!!!  Big hugs and lots of prayers...I will be waiting for your news of your grand up my friend!  Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Trish, how caring you are, going through what you are but taking the time to comfort someone else going for their lst chemo.  Know you brought cover andhope to him dear.   A new great nephew, he's darling, love his name.  Know he'll bring so much joy to all of you.  You just hang tight, take care of yourself, glad your Mom is with you to help out. Bless you....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Hey Trish
How are you doing? I know how you feel with bone pain. I understand completely
when I had my accident in 2002 my joint in my shoulder broke in half and when
bad weather hits I feel it in my shoulder.
Love Ya
P.S. I will call you sometime next week.
Anonymous said…
I just stumbled across your journal and just wanted to let you know that you are INSPIRING to me! Your attitude is amazing. Your love for your husband is amazing. Your family support is amazing. I know you're going to be JUST FINE - how could you not with all that on your side?
Anonymous said…
Beautiful baby!  Jaiden must be the new name going around, because I've got a new (grand)nephew (born 12/28) named Alex Jayden.
Don't say you are going to become a grandma!  You're too young!!  Well, I guess we'll have to wait for your news before jumping to conclusions.
I'm glad you were able to be a help to that man.  I bet it really eased the fear of his first treatment to have a friendly face of someone who's been there and is almost done.  Glad to hear about the good drugs.  Take care,
Anonymous said…
I wish it was spring too.  I think we got spoiled by having such a mild winter so far.  Now the cold feels really cold!  I hope you are feeling better and up off the couch soon.  Linda
Anonymous said…
Trish.. it's funny how we do that.  Even when we are feeling our worst, we still find it in our hearts to have compassion, and reach out to others who are about to, or are going through the same thing as we are.  For a few minutes we almost forget that we have Cancer, as we are so busy trying to lift anothers spirits and hope.  You may not realize it, but you did that man a world of good.  Count on it.

I hope you feel better.. I really do.  It won't be long now, my sweet friend.  You will be among the "survivors!"  

Gentle hugs, and many prayers..

Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about wanting to help that man.....we go through what we go through to help the next person afflicted with this horrible disease. There was a woman in the J-Land community named Pam(one girls head noise) who was diagnosed with lung cancer, she was one or the first j-landers to reach out and help me with journal tips, that was her sweet nature, she did not win her battle, but with her grace and humor she taught so many here. It was she and another J-lander (Lahoma) who gave me the strength to share my personal experience with breast cancer so openly.....the ripple effect is awesome on how we touch other peoples lives without ever even knowing.
Anonymous said…
I really admire people like you for going through your own problems, but still having time to give comfort to others who are suffering from the same dreadful disease.
God Bless you


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