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Nice Matters Awards




When I stared this journal I did it to keep my friends and family informed of my ongoing breast cancer treatment. Little did I know I would make so many journal friends. Terri from You think you know, but you have no idea...picked me for the Nice Matters Award.  Now I have the opportunity to pick five people to pass it on to!

Thank you Terri you are such a sweetheart. I enjoy reading your journal and you have been here for me through everything! You are such a good journal friend and have given me so much support.

So here are my five..this was really hard to do because there are so many of you out there!

Stephanie from in perpetual motion...She is a great lady who is a mother to twin boys. I love reading about their adventures. She is also a breast cancer survivor who went through it with me. She lives in Hawaii and is a military wife. She also ran a marathon recently and I admire her for that after all she has been through with Breast Cancer.

Jackie from Hope Floats She is also a cancer survivor and has been there for me so many times. She knows just what to say to make me feel better and she is so sincere. She has two beautiful grandsons who are the light of her life!

Irene or Rene as her family calls her from Meet Me at the Breakfast Table. She writes about her daily struggle with stage IV ovarian cancer. She has a really close family that loves her. She is a special person that has been through so much and still manages to see the good in everything.

Barbara from Just Another Day In The Life Of Me She is one of the sweetest ladies I know. She has been through so many things in her life. She lost her son in a car accident and then a year later was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Now she is dealing with lymphedema. We shared many emails during our treatment and became friends. She doesn't write in her journal as much as she used to but she tries to keep us updated.

Linda from Sangria Two She is a mother to five and a grandmother to one. She has a busy life but still finds the time to have fun! I read her journal and wish I could do the cool things she does! Her twin boys just turned 18!

Now Stepanie, Jackie, Irene, Barbara, and Linda you have to snag your Nice Matters Award and choose  5  people to give the award to.  Have fun!!

Please go and visit these journals and you will see why I picked these great ladies!!!

Thanks again Terri!!





Anonymous said…
Congrats on your award.
Have a great week.
Anonymous said…
thank you!!!  I will have to go pick my 5 now!  Linda
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on a deserved win.

Anonymous said…
You're welcome =)

Great picks...

Anonymous said…
Belated Congratulations ........ you deserve it

hugs Jayne

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