A lo t ha s gone on. Mom ha s recovered from diverticulitis . She was so sick. I was so worried. She would get better and then BAM, she would get sick again. She had a long hospital stay but I am glad to say that she is doing so much better. I had my por t removed on Wed n esday. I am s o happy t o have it gon e . I t ’s no t t h at h a s bothered m e but i t was ju s t there an d i t was a nuisa n ce. I ha d to have it flushed every four w eeks and it would ache sometimes. So I am j us t glad i t ’s gon e . I also had to have a colonoscopy the same day. OMG if you ever ha d one I don’ t even have t o explain about the day before a nd the misera b le “prep” as they call it. I had to drink th e magic potion at 2:0 0 . After I choked it down I was sitting there thinking. Hmm, maybe the m ise r y everyone talks about won’t be so bad for me, I mean I hardly ate anything yesterday and I haven’t been on anything but liquids since I woke u p this morning, Every t hing was go...
My experience with Breast Cancer, what it was like when I found out I had cancer, my journey through treatment, and my life as a survivor. Fast forward to 2018... My journey into treatment again eleven years later.