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Showing posts from September, 2007

No more port!

A lo t ha s gone on. Mom ha s recovered from diverticulitis . She was so sick. I was so worried. She would get better and then BAM, she would get sick again. She had a long hospital stay but I am glad to say that she is doing so much better. I had my por t removed on Wed n esday. I am s o happy t o have it gon e . I t ’s no t t h at h a s bothered m e but i t was ju s t there an d i t was a nuisa n ce. I ha d to have it flushed every four w eeks and it would ache sometimes. So I am j us t glad i t ’s gon e . I also had to have a colonoscopy the same day. OMG if you ever ha d one I don’ t even have t o explain about the day before a nd the misera b le “prep” as they call it. I had to drink th e magic potion at 2:0 0 . After I choked it down I was sitting there thinking. Hmm, maybe the m ise r y everyone talks about won’t be so bad for me, I mean I hardly ate anything yesterday and I haven’t been on anything but liquids since I woke u p this morning, Every t hing was go...

Moms in the hospital

My mom’s in the hospital! She is really sick. She went in with stomach pain on Friday and has been in since then. They diagnosed her with diverticulitis. That is the same thing Jeff had 2 years ago only his ruptured. She has an obstruction that is causing the pain and the way they treat it is, no food or liquid. She has not eaten anything in 5 days. She is doing ok one minute then terrible the next. It is so hard for me to see my mom like this. She is breaking my heart. A surgeon came in today and said that they will continue to monitor her. She drove herself there on Friday, (which I am still not happy about) but she said she didn’t want to bother any one until she knew what it was. I was leaving for camping and she didn’t want to ruin my trip! I got a call from Mike and he told me. I didn’t know what to do because we were pulling out of the drive way. We were only going an hour away so my family told me to go and set up the camper and then they would let me know what was going on. I ...