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Moms in the hospital

My mom’s in the hospital! She is really sick. She went in with stomach pain on Friday and has been in since then. They diagnosed her with diverticulitis. That is the same thing Jeff had 2 years ago only his ruptured. She has an obstruction that is causing the pain and the way they treat it is, no food or liquid. She has not eaten anything in 5 days. She is doing ok one minute then terrible the next. It is so hard for me to see my mom like this. She is breaking my heart. A surgeon came in today and said that they will continue to monitor her. She drove herself there on Friday, (which I am still not happy about) but she said she didn’t want to bother any one until she knew what it was. I was leaving for camping and she didn’t want to ruin my trip! I got a call from Mike and he told me. I didn’t know what to do because we were pulling out of the drive way. We were only going an hour away so my family told me to go and set up the camper and then they would let me know what was going on. I was so upset. I felt so guilty as we were driving there because she was at every appointment for me and here I am going camping.

I kept in touch the entire weekend and then headed up to the hospital as soon as we got home and dropped off the camper. They had to put a tube in her nose and down to her stomach to help with the stomach fluid. She was so miserable. When I was there the other day she sneezed so many times she sneezed the tube right out of her nose! She was so upset! Now we laugh about it but at the time I was horrified! They left the tube out but the doctor that saw her today said if she keeps getting sick then they will have to put it back in. I hope she is better tomorrow….L ……………

update… I just talked to my mom and she is feeling really good. She had a good night and they let her eat something this morning! I am so happy! She has been so miserable.

Our camping trip was really fun. We just sat around relaxing for 3 days. It was a really nice park but the flies were just awful! I turned into the crazy fly swatter lady! I was in the camper while Jeff was taking a nap swatting at flies for an hour. When I think about me and that fly swatter I can’t help but laugh. We had a nice time, but I just couldn’t help but think about my mom the entire time.

I actually quit work the other day but I am somehow still working…. I don’t get it either but I am there. I am just going to go in until things settle down and they can find a permanent replacement for me.

Now for the great news! I found out my friend Jacqui from New Zealand is coming to visit me! We have not seen each other since 6th grade. I am thinking that is about 29 years ago. She moved here from New Zealand with her family and they lived down the street from me. They lived here for 1 year and we were really close. I can still remember crying and waving as their car pulled away to go to the airport knowing that I would never see her again. We kept in touch with letters and then when email came out we started e-mailing each other. I am so excited that she is coming. She will stay with me for 2 weeks!! How cool is that???


Anonymous said…
Sorry about your Mum..happy about your friend coming..too cool..have a great weekend..
Anonymous said…
I am glad to hear that your mom is feeling better today.  I hope it continues.  The flyes were horrlibe when we were camping this weekend also.  Maybe we were at the same place and didn't even know it!!  Linda
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear your Mom is feeling better...try not to worry.
Sending up prayers for her.
Anonymous said…
Thank God your mother is feeling better.  Diverticulitis is so painful!  
At least, Trish, you weren't THAT far away from your mom, while you were camping over the weekend.  Thankfully, all went well.

It's good to hear you so happy, and that all is going well for you healthwise!!

Big Hugs

Anonymous said…
I hope your mom continues to get well.
Anonymous said…
I sure hope your mom is much better soon!
Glad the camping trip went well...
How exciting that your friend is coming to
spend two weeks with you...make some memories! =)

Anonymous said…
So glad to hear your are doing better . Thanks for the update was starting to getting worried about your mom! Love her jounal and her photos they sure make my day. Thanks for reminding me there is something to be so thankful for everyday.
Anonymous said…
I'm a few days late here Trish cuz my hubby was hospitalized Saturday.  I'm staying here with him cuz they have all private rooms.  How is your Mom doing now?  I'll be praying for her.
Anonymous said…
You tell your mum from me she better get better b4 i come over cos' I need to see her and everyone!!! I'm extatic 'bout this trip , I figured it's gonna take about maybe 24 hours. 12 hours to LA from NZ then Man, I dunno how long, I'm gonna look like crap when I see ya. But I don't care , I just really wanna meet your whole family, Love Jacqui NZ
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about your mum......but glad that she seems to be on the mend.

Lol @ the nose sneezing .............sorry but i am glad you can now see the funny side of it.

Wow.......... i bet you cant ait to see your friend....what an amazing experience that will be

Hugs Jayne

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