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I went to my radiology appointment. Just getting there was fun. My mom was following Pam’s car because she had to go to work and didn’t know how long we would be there. So were driving along and a car just like Pam’s gets in between us. We turn right and Pam looks in the rear view mirror and guess what? No mom! She starts following the wrong car! Lololol. I had to call her on her cell phone and she picks it up and say’s…I know…I am following the wrong car…Then she finally catches up with us while we pull over and wait. We pull into the parking lot and you have to push a button and tell them why you are there so they can lift the gate…Pam does it no problem, mom does it…nothing…nobody answering her…she is sitting there getting frustrated and we are cracking up watching from our parking spot. They finally decided to open the gate for her after about 5 minutes. Lol

This visit was a consultation. I talked to my radiology oncologist. He is so nice. He is so determined that when he is done with me I won’t have to worry anymore. He told me “today I want you to start living like you will never have a reoccurrence.” He told me what to expect, fatigue, some tenderness, some people get radiation burns. I was concerned and he said that people with bigger breast and smaller breasts were harder to work with but mine was “just the right size for him” Then his face turned beet red!!! It was so funny and the three of us sat there choking back grins….Then I said…so your saying I have perfect breasts…lolol. Then we all started laughing.

I feel really comfortable with my doctor. He was so concerned and he also reassured me that having a lumpectomy was the right decision for me. This is something I have been wondering for a while now. I was second guessing not having a mastectomy. Then he was reviewing my records and said there were 2 spots of cancer in my breast. I knew this but Pam didn’t! She was a little freaked out about it. One was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and the other spot was DCIS which is not an invasive cancer.

I go back Wednesday to get set up for my treatments. I have to lay on a piece of foam and they put me in the position they want me and then they will form the foam to my exact fit. They explained so much to me, Oh and get this, I can’t wear deodorant under my left armpit the 7 weeks of treatment! Ewww! And no deodorant soap either. I may not have any friends after this!! I can only use Dove or Ivory soap. Bonnie is so cute, she came home today from work with a bar of Dove soap for me.

I think my family is jinxed. Megan has a toothache, so I took her to the dentist to see what is going on, and she needs a root canal and a crown! $1,800. Are you kidding me? They sent her home with antibiotics and pain pills. It has been 2 days and she is still in pain. I have to figure out what I am going to do. We don’t have dental insurance but I have to get it fixed for her. I have the number to the dental school and I am going to call Monday and see if I can get her in. I’m still trying to figure out how they can charge that much, I don’t get it. Your at their mercy.

Now this morning Jeff called from work and I knew by the sound of his voice something was wrong. He threw his back out. He went to pick up a piece of steel and fell to the ground and lay there for 10 minutes. He called and told me to bring him something for pain. I got there and he was sitting in a chair. The man refused to leave work! He started hobbling around the workshop trying to help his friend finish building window frames. I wanted to take him to the hospital, but he said he had to get the frames done. I left there about 11:30 and he didn’t get home until 4:30. He is still in pain and said that if it is still there tomorrow he will go to the hospital.

My daughters boyfriend bought her a bunny for Easter! It is so cute! My dog is still trying to figure out if he likes it or not. So now we have a dog, 4 birds, a fish, a hamster and a bunny! In July you can add a baby to that list!

Megan made a video for me! It is so touching and she was so proud to show me.  She put it in her MySpace page. I cried when I saw it. I will try and post a link to it.

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said…
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...not every day you are told you have perfect breast...LOL...keep up the fight and will be glad when this is all over for you and you are back to normal...Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you have a cute little petting zoo!  Isn't that funny that your doctor can still blush after seeing and talking about hundreds of boobs.  He sounds like a good'un.  :-)  I hope your DH and Megan get better soon!
Anonymous said…
happy Easter to you and your perfect breasts!!!  ;-)
Anonymous said…
good thoughts and healing vibes all around you and yours girl!

love to you!
Anonymous said…
Happy Easter to you and your family.  You deserve it!!
Anonymous said…
Hi dear, happy easter to you and yours.  When reading your words - don't know if I passed this on to you or not, but when reading about the radiation and possible burns.....years ago in a doctors column I read that if you are or know you will be having radiation start now, the sooner the better before the radiation to eat some ginger, be it the spice directly, gingersnaps, ginger tea daily as this helps a lot of people with the radiation sis has had radiation as has several of my dear friends and they all said it was a godsend for them and really helped.  Take care...bless you....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Trish, you go girl!  I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better!  I am sure that rads will be a piece of cake compared to chemo, especially for you!  I just had tx #7 today, and so far, so good!  Remember way back in October when we were just starting chemo and we were so scared and thought we could never do it?  Well, we did it, baby!  Take care and stay well!  Love, Kristin
Anonymous said…
Trish, it sounds to me like everything is coming up spring flowers and daffodils for you, girl!! :)  I am so happy!  You do just what he said!  Get out there and live like you are never going to have a reccurance again! :)

Hugs and love

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