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It's been a while!

It's been a while since I have done this.  I have been so busy lately with little Jeffrey. He is keeping Grandma hopping. He is at such a fun stage. I baby-sit almost every day and I love it.

He started to eat baby food a couple weeks ago and it was a big event in the house. As soon as we heard that he could start on food, we went to the grocery store and stocked up on teeny tiny jars of food. I think Jeff picked out 15 jars! He was so funny. Bonnie and Jeffrey gave him peas first because we heard if you give them the yucky stuff first instead of something good they will be more likely to eat it later. He made the funniest faces and gagged a couple times. It was too cute.

I made a decision about work. . I‘m not going back. It was hard for me to finally go in and tell them, but I think I am doing the right thing. Now I keep second guessing myself. I think it is the fact that I have been working there for 10 years and I really did enjoy the people I worked with. Jeff just wants me to stay home and get healthy.

I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I was up and at J.C. Penny by 4:00 a.m. Then I went and met Sue and Pam at Meijers. We had a really fun day and I think Sue is the one that got the best deals.

I went to Frankenmuth again on Tuesday to meet some friends that I met on the internet and have been talking to online on a message board for years. It is a really big collection of people that are on the message board and whenever they meet I am so far away from the meeting place. Since it was so close I just had to go! It was so nice to finally get to meet some of them. They were so nice. My mom, Megan and her friends went too. We had lunch at Bavarian Inn, and then shopped all the cute little shops. Then we did the a pretzel rolling workshop. It was fun. We learned the history of the pretzel and then got to make our own. After that we went to Bronners Christmas shop. You have to have about 3 hours to get through that entire store! It is just beautiful though. So much to look at.

I have my little teeny Christmas tree up already. It’s the only one that fits in my living room right now, but it looks so cute! I miss my big tree though.

My living room looks like I run a daycare center. I have a walker, a swing, and a bouncer. Jeffrey has so much fun in the bouncer. I have to get some video and figure out how to put it in my journal. He bounces until he wears himself out and then falls asleep. He is just too cute. He makes me so happy!!!

Health wise I am doing really good lately. I am feeling like myself again. The only thing that I am dealing with is some numbness in my arms and fingers and if I sit too long my knees just don’t want to work. Other than that I feel great. My hair is growing and I even had my first haircut! I had to, I was looking like I had a mullet so I went and had it shaped. I love playing with it. I will probably keep it shorter from now on because it is so easy for me. I had so much hair before that it was such a hassle and now I am freeeeee!!!

I just had to put the picture of BB Jeffrey up in his Superman costume. It is just too cute! 


Anonymous said…
The baby is getting so big!  Glad everything is going well!
Anonymous said…
Adorable pictures.

Sounds like you had fun when you were out....... good for you .

Glad to hear that you are not doing to bad.......... keep it up

hugs Jayne
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that you are feeling so well!!  Linda
Anonymous said…
Jeffrey is so cute!  I love going to Frankenmuth.  I hadn't been there since 2005 when we were up there visiting my sister and daughter.  So glad you got to get out and meet online friends and you're getting better.
Anonymous said…
Jeffrey is a beautiful baby.  Love the superman picture - it's so funny!  Hey, don't doubt your decision.  Freedom from work - weeeeeee!  I just read an article in the paper about how much it improves your survival rate if you keep your weight down after a bc diagnosis.  So get yourself healthy and fit!  Take advantage of the time.  (and enjoy being grandma!)  No guilt!
Anonymous said…
Your BB Jeffrey pic is just adorable.  Glad you are doing better dear. Being at home versus work will give you extra precious times with Jeffrey to enjoy and love.  Take care, enjoy your day. Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
You sound so happy, Trish, and I am so thankful that God has continued to bless you with good health!  I see a great future for you, my sweet friend!  I know how you feel about those grandbabies!  They just rock your world!!

Have a Merry Christmas!  And.. ummm.. DON'T STAY AWAY SO DARN LONG!!


Anonymous said…
I'm Christmas caroling theu J-Land.  If you'd like to hear my carol, you can click on the link below.
Anonymous said…
So good to hear from you and so thankful that you are doing so well.
Like you I quit work about 4 years ago and still sometimes second guess my decision for the most part it was the right one. Your hubby is right you are more important right now.
Loved the photo's.
Anonymous said…
Awww Jeffrey is adorable and growing!
Glad he keeps you on your toes =)

Glad you got to meet some friends from online!

Anonymous said…
Grandchildren are the BEST medicine you will ever recieve. Coming from another grandma who got to take care of her grandson everyday, I'm happy you're getting that time with him. It's so precious. Love the picture too cute. Hope you all have a Happy New Year.
Take care, Chrissie
Anonymous said…
This comment is from my grandson, Kyan.
He says Awww... look at that baby with a cape. Capes are a big deal in our house right now because of the Wonder Pets.
Take care, Chrissie

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