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We Lost a Family Friend This Week.

Saturday was a sad day. I had to go to a funeral for a good family friend. She lost her battle with breast cancer Wednesday morning. She was diagnosed early this year and she is already gone.  I just can't believe it. It seems like I just talked to her and gave her words of encouragement. I am trying to understand how this could happen. She has a lovely daughter
who is in college and she is just the sweetest girl. She was a single mother and before her Daughter went off to college you would see them together and they would always be smiling.
Walking into the funeral home was so hard for me and my family. Her older sister was my sister Sharon's best friend growing up and her family gave us so much support during Sharon's illness. Now there we were grieving with them. I am just so sad over this and I am having a really hard time with it.
Going to the funeral was really hard. Sue was getting mad at me because I would say things like, if anything ever happens to me I don't want a choir just a soloist. Then I said, please get up there and look at me first and make sure I look ok.  I know she doesn't want to hear it but when you have had cancer it is something that you think about.  I think I have a bruise on my
arm from her nudging me every time I said something about my funeral. lol
It is 1:10 a.m. and I can't sleep. I was sick last week with bronchitis, and I am on prednisone and I am so HYPER!!! I made 3 batches of cookies, I
have done laundry and cleaned the silverware drawer. I have done more today than I have the last 2 weeks! lol!!The doctor told me if I wasn't better by Saturday that I was to go to the emergency room and have them admit me to the hospital. Thank goodness the antibiotics worked. I feel so much better. Now Jeff and Megan are sick. I can't get Jeff to go to the doctor though. He is very stubborn. He went to work sick on Friday and he plans on going in tomorrow too. He will not miss a day of work!
I didn't get my Christmas cards out! I bought them and the stamps but never sent them out. DUH!!!
Oh, Someone left some homemade chocolates on my porch and I can't figure out who it was. I think I have an idea though.
I still have a few things to pick up at the store tomorrow, so I better try and get some sleep so
I can get up early and go.
       Merry Christmas!!!


Anonymous said…
{{{Trish}}} I'm terribly sorry about your friend.  It happened so quickly, didn't it?  I can understand why you are having a hard time dealing with it.  My heart goes out to you and her family.  

Maybe you should write down you funeral ideas.  Not that you are going to need it any time soon - but later, way way later.  

You sound like you are quite busy!!  I bet it feels good to be busy instead of on the couch.  I'm glad the antibiotics worked - now, to get your husband to the doctor so he won't get you sick again!!  LOL!  Men are so stubborn.  Oh, I haven't done Christmas cards yet either.  It's never too late!

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!  :-)
Anonymous said…
I am very sorry to hear about your friend.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year.  Linda
Anonymous said…
Trish, I am so sorry to hear about your loss..   I remember when I was going through my bout with Ovarian Cancer, how I would be supportive to others who had BC and or OC, and later down the line, they would pass away.  It was so hard.  I can totally relate.

I do hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Hugs and love

Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your friend, my condolences to her family.
Now that I fight cancer...I understand your feelings completely...have had 2 people I know pass away from cancer in recent months.
But we never know who goes & who stays, we must put our faith & trust in God, for only He knows the future.
Hugs to you this Christmas.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry to hear that you lossed a dear friend, may it comfort you to know she's at peace, know we all care and feel your pain dear.  May you have a blessed Christmas with your loved ones.  Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry you lost a friend this week.  Loosing someone close is always hard but this time of year makes it even worse.
Anonymous said…
I am so very sorry for your loss...
You and your friends family are in my thoughts and prayers...

Anonymous said…
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss, but had to laugh when you were saying what you wanted.......... sorry i must have a warped sense of humour.
I am just happy that you are so positive about things i think that helps
hugs Jayne

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