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When Life Gives Cancer, Make Lemonade!

We have a big weekend ahead. The Relay is Saturday and I plan on staying there from 7 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m. Sunday!  I made all the lumanaria bags and they look so nice. We are having a fresh squeezed lemonade stand this year. The stand turned out so cool! I even thought of a slogan for it. "When life gives you cancer, make lemonade!" Sue painted it on the front of the stand and she did a great job. One problem we ran into was the cost of lemons. Sue went to the grocery store to check it out and lemons were 8 for  5 dollars!  I called around and found a wholesale produce company and they gave us a great deal. He was so nice and by the time we left he donated  2 cases! We got a megaphone for Jeff and he is going to round up customers.  He is so funny so this should be good. 

I think my husband is falling apart! When I took him to the doctor for the Bell's Palsy we found out he has high blood pressure. He has been on medication for a month. They wanted to see him to make sure it was under control so I took him back to the doctor..(yes I took know how men are) and I had a list of things for her to check. First they took his blood pressure and it was higher than last time even on medication. So he has to take it two times a day now...then I pulled out my list...He has been having knee problems for a couple weeks now. He told me not to mention it, but how could I not mention it to her when he is up squirming in bed like he is giving birth!!! So she sent him for x-rays and gave him medicine for that..then he has this weird looking thing on his leg that I had her look at and she agree's it needs to come off and sent in to see what it is. He also gets a migraine EVERY day so we talked about that too. Thank god I'm healthy...lololol!!!

I'm off to get things ready for the Relay tomorrow. I have so much to do!!! Pray that it doesn't rain on us.


Anonymous said…
good luck to you... thinking of you and yours....
Anonymous said…
Good luck tomorrow!!!!
I'll be rooting for you!!

Anonymous said…
Good Luck tomorrow!!
Anonymous said…
Hope the weather is nice...the lemonade stand
sounds cute ~ hope we get to see nice of the
man to donate 2 cases of lemons!

I have been on high blood pressure meds for a year now, and I have to take them twice a day too...never thought i would have to take meds on a reg. basis....ahh the stresses of life I suppose...seems more and more people have high BP anymore....hope they can get his lowered.

Anonymous said…
Good Luck at the Relay and I hope everything is ok with your husband.  Linda
Anonymous said…
Sorry I am so far behind with alerts......... i hope the Relay went well and you raised lots of money.

Sorry to hear about your hubby.......i think i must be the female version of him because thats pretty much the same as my problems....added to that arthritis in back & spine , panic attacks, agoraphobia and numerous other stuff............ hey the way i look at it is i am still breathing and there are many people out there far worse off than me.

Take care Jayne

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