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I'm still here..

Geeesh. I am a bad blogger. I have not been on in a while. One of the reasons I wanted to post today is to ask everyone for prayers. My sister Sue has been having trouble - headaches, tingling on the left side of my her head, numbness by her temple, some minor vision problems, high blood pressure, and disoriented. Well she had a CAT scan and they did find something. They said it was about 1/4 inch spot that showed up. We aren't sure what it is but they want to do an MRI on Monday. This is freaking me out! She tells me not to worry but how can I not worry about something like this? Please keep her in your prayers.

I was pleasantly surprised to sign on today and find that Sugar from The Sugar Shack Passed the Marie Antoinette award: Real Blogs - Real People on to me!

Sugar thank you so much I am honored! You are so sweet and it means a lot to me.

Now it is my turn to pick some of my friends blog to pass it on to.
First is Stephanie from Freshly Squeezed. She is also a breast cancer survivor. If you have never read her blog you should stop by and say hi.
My second choice is Kelly from "Reminiscence" of the yesteryears...
I think most of you know who Kelly is. Her sister Kim (I shaved my legs for this) lost her battle with breast cancer. Kelly writes about dealing with her loss.
There are so many other journals I love to read, I really could go on with a long list. You know I love you all!!!

Here are the rules for passing this award along.
1. Please put the logo on your journal - Real Blogs/Real People.
2. Place a link from the person, from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate as many as you want (2-10, with 7 being ideal).
4. Put the links of those on your journal.
5. Leave a comment on their journal to let them know.
6. Put the award on your sidebar, if you want.

I hope I did this right..hee hee.

Oh there is one other thing that I have to talk about..
My dog freaked us out the other night. Jeff woke up about 4:00 a.m. and woke me up and said the dog was gagging. So I got down on the floor with him and he gagged a couple times and then he laid down and peed on the floor! Then he just went limp and was having a really hard time breathing..Then he took one last breath and just laid there. I was hysterical! We were both crying and I thought well this is it, Dabny just died....Jeff picked him up and started shaking him and petting him and all the sudden he gasped and came back to life! Now he is fine. It was the strangest thing. That little shit scared the life out of me, now he is prancing around like nothing ever happened. He is going to be 17 in December so I know his time is coming but I am just not ready yet. Oh I forgot to mention in the heat of the moment I did grab his little snout and started giving him mouth to snout resuscitation...lolol.
Here's my baby...

I have to get ready to go to the grocery store so til next time......


Sugar said…
yw for the award, you deserve it. :)
will certainly send up as prayer for sue, hoping all turns out ok. {{}}
also a prayer for dabney from me & girls, hope he's around several more yrs.
have a good wkend...
Stephanie said…
I will certainly be praying for your sister. I hope it's nothing. Please keep us posted!

And then your doggie! My goodness, what a dramatic death scene. I'm sure the mouth to snout was what brought him back from the great beyond. Poor little thing. This is probably an early warning for you that he's winding down. :*(

Thank you for the nod, and for letting me know about Kelly. You know I knew Kim, but I didn't know Kelly. I'm going to have to meet her (so to speak).

Take care!
Terri said…
Congrats....very deserving!

I will keep your sister in my thoughts and prayers...I hope and pray it's nothing...

How scary...your poor little doggie...we had a scare with Beau once...I was a bawling mess!

They are our furbabies!

So good to hear from you..been missing ya...

Linda said…
I will make sure to keep you and your sister in my prayers. I am glad that Dabney is doing ok. Very cute little doggie, what kind of dog is dabney? Linda
Shufers2 said…
Thanks for the prayers everyone, I'm sure everything will be ok. I'm glad trish is writing again - she makes me laugh! Sue
kelly said…
thank you for the award... I so appreciate this...
and OMG...with your dog.. I hope he is ok now... isn't it strange on how much a part of your family they become...
Winivere said…
Thank you for visiting my journal, Trish! Please fill me in on the recipes or soups that your hubby is taking to work. LOL @ mouth to mouth on your furry frien*.
Dawn said…
Sorry to hear about your sister. We'll keep her in our prayers Glad your little doggie is better.
CINDY said…
I shall add Sue to my prayer list. I hope that cute lil guy is around many more years. I am a cancer survivor also, but I had Hodgekins Lymphoma, Stage 3. I am in remission. Have a wonderful week and holiday.
Lynda said…
Aww.. praying for your sis and your little dog, too...they can really get to you, can't they?

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