Hi everyone, this is Trish's sister Sue again. Trish has not been feeling too well and on Friday we had to take her to the ER department. She is so weak and was very close to having pneumonia. She has been on antibiotics for 12 days now and they are concerned about why she is not getting better. Needless to say, we are very worried. She feels a little better today, but is on oxygen and just has absolutely no energy. They have been giving her breathing treatments since yesterday, and some other medicines in her IV. They are bringing in an infectious disease doctor to see if they can pinpoint what is going on. She will be there until at least Monday. She has her scans (right there) on Monday too. We'll keep you posted - please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
I have something I want to share with everyone. Some of you know my sister Sharon died from breast cancer. What you don't know is that she was a great writer. I have read her thoughts before but now they have a whole new meaning to me. When I would read them I would always think about what she must have been going through at the time, and now I know. She was an inspiration to me and to everyone around her. Here is something that I came across that I can relate to in certain ways. I know I have some friends out there that have had mastectomies that will find this a great inspiration. It is called Self Love. Today I will make friends with the area of my body that has been through surgery. I will look at myself in the mirror and not think of myself as disfigured just because I look different. I will focus on the fact that once, where there used to be a mound of flesh, there is now a flatter more hollow surface that, when touched, puts me that much closer to my heart and soul. I wi...
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK
Hugs to Trish,
Just returned home from Mass.
I guess you know who I prayed for.
Many people are praying that you conquer this latest Battle.
The Priest walked down the Aisle, sprinkling Holy Water on
every one.
what is that all about ? Itis very unusual for him to do that.
In any event, I got hit with a few drops, and I offered them up for your sake !
Although we appreciate Sue keeping us informed, we hope you give her a vacation soon, and get back to your job, of keeping us informed yourself.
Love to you and your family.
From Bobby and his family,
Ft, Lauderdale
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers darlin'. Bless your heart.
You continue to be in my prayers!
XOXO, Susie
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I lid a candle for you last week in church.
Tell everyone we said hello.
Love YOu Lots
Linda, Tony, Ashley & Gina