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P.J. party

P.J. party at Pam’s house. I couldn’t wait to get to Pam’s for the p.j, party with mom, and Sue. I was packed and ready to go for 2 days. Pam picked me up on her way home from work. I wasn’t feeling very good. I was feeling really nauseated since morning. I took an anti nausea pill and started feeling better, so we ordered food. Two steak subs, a greek salad, nachos supreme, and chicken wings. By the time we all filled our plates, it looked like army ants had walked over the spread. I ate so much! Then I fell asleep. I brought over stuff to do pedicures. I even brought everyone a tourbon to wear! I think they slipped me a sleeping pill so they didn’t have to wear them because after we ate I fell asleep and didn’t wake up for 14 hours!!! I guess I really needed the rest. At home I putz around and try to do too much. Here I lay on the couch like a queen waiting for someone to fan me with a banana leaf. Pam said she would if she had one! Hee hee.


Pam’s making a roast, potatoes, salad, corn,  and rolls. Jeff just called and asked when I was coming home and I told him I think I am staying over again. He said that’s fine and to get some rest. I may never leave this resort!


Anonymous said…
AWWWW!!! sounds like a great time!  Hope you have a great night!  Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you're having a great time.  Have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
Suh-weet!  Tonight you can make them wear the turbans.  LOL!
Anonymous said…
Well...look at YOU! lol  Laying around like a Princess with your haram! lol  Hey!  You deserve it!  Take every advantage of this treatment, because when your up and feeling 100%, you will be back to being a commoner, just like the rest of us! :)

Glad you had a good time.. and that you ATE!  Good for you!!  Got to keep that strength up!

Hugs and prayers!!

Anonymous said…
Love the pic!  Precious memories!
We had a PJ party with my aunt who had breast
cancer too....oh what a time we had..haha  
I agree...make them wear the turbans tonight... =)~
and don't forget to take pics...Ha!
Always in my thoughts and prayers...
Anonymous said…
My 4th and final A/C chemo was very easy this time! Yipeeee! Maybe my body is getting used to the toxins! lol I kept my voice and was only tired this time...I only had to take one anti nausea pill and that was friday!!!! normally I eat them until monday.....hope your next one is a lil easier for you too!
Anonymous said…
Hi Trish, sounds like a good time!  Definitely get as much rest as you can.  I do the same thing and putz around the house when I am here - but what I really need to do is get more rest!  This treatment (#3) has turned out to be the hardest one so far.  Hope #4 is easier for both of us!  I am thinking of you and hoping you are doing well!  Kristin

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