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The never ending Dr. visit

I have been having been feeling really lousy since my 3rd chemo treatment. I could not keep anything down for a few days and I feel like I have the flu. My chest is really congested and I have asthma so I have to be careful that it doesn’t get out of control. I went to the doctor today for my normal 3 week checkup. I ended up being there for 3 hours. The doctor listened to my chest and told me I had to start antibiotics through an I.V. This is the first time they accessed my port without any numbing cream and I about hit the ceiling! I am sitting here with tubes hanging out of my port as I type this. They left the I.V. line in because I have to go back tomorrow for another bag of antibiotics. Every time I look down at the tubes hanging off my port I get the creeps. I had a chest x-ray on the way home from the doctor‘s so I guess we will see what is going on tomorrow. Hopefully it’s not pneumonia. The nurse gave me a shot of steroids for the asthma too. My white count is really low along with some other count that I never heard of so when I came home I had to have a shot. Jeff did it for me, I just couldn’t get past that needle for some reason this time.

I went to a baby shower on Sunday for my nephew Bobby and his wife Steph . I was so feeling so good and I was so happy about that! I was sick Friday and Saturday so I was hoping I would have a good day. I wore my wig and it was so funny because when I first got there I was walking like I had a book on my head. Hee hee. It was really nice to get dressed up and have hair and makeup! I had a really nice time and got to talk to a lot of friends and relatives. I love seeing them. I ate really good too. I was so sick the days before that I really was not eating all that well. In fact I lost 4 pounds in a week. Not the kind of diet you want to go on though. By the time I got home I was so tired. I took a little nap, and then laid in bed with Megan for a little while and watched T.V.

My cousin Linda made some beet soup for me! She said it has healing power so I am eating it!!! It is really good. Soup is one of the only things that I can eat right now so it was a nice surprise. I had a little bowl last night with some toast and it settled really good. In fact I think I am going to go get some now.


Anonymous said…
I had a hard time bouncing back this last round too. Onr thing is for sure every dose is different. I am having my first round of taxol later today.....I'll try and post something when I get home. It's going to be a long day between labs, Doctor visits and then the 3 hour drip of the new meds. This weeks food that sounded, smelled and tasted good to me was angel hair pasta with marinara sauce...I ate it several times this past week....least I am past the PB on toast for awhile lol! lol
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time this time!!  I hope you feel better soon.  Linda
Anonymous said…
 I thought that was funny about the wig.  I would probably do the same things.  I am glad you got out and had some fun.  Fun is very very important.  Take care.

Anonymous said…
It is a weird feeling having to put a wig on.  You are so aware of it, and it itches.. and you always wonder if it's on straight, or did it somehow get crooked on your head.  I used to hate that part of it!  But.. you take it all in stride!  Well worth it, when you can walk away from both the cancer and the wig! :)

Glad you were able to enjoy the baby shower and eat something.  Chemo sure can be a party pooper.. :(  

I hope the antibiotics kick out whatever is going on in your lungs!  You sure as heck don't need a chest cold or pneumonia right now!

Prayers and Blessings
Anonymous said…
I wish you felt better, but you did get me to LOL about the wig, I picture you almost standing at attention trying not to move. Hope you get to feeling better & I hope the meds work.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry you're having a bad bout with this round of chemo.  {{hugs}}  Soup is good for the body and the soul.  :-)  I can just imagine how you are feeling about the tubes.  My missing boob tingles every time I think about my drainage tube, so it's tingling in sympathy for you now.  LOL!  I hope you don't have pneumonia.  Get better soon!!
Anonymous said…
Oh Trish, I am sorry that you are having a rough time of it!  I hope the antibiotics do the job.  It really sucks to feel crappy for so long.  I know it seems never-ending right now but you will get through it!  You are so strong...even with everything you are going through I can tell you still have the underlying determination to beat this!  Rest and heal.  Think about planning to do something really fun when all this is over.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am pretty sure it is not the train! LOL!  Anytime you want to talk, let me know.  I am here for you, girl!  *Hugs* Kristin
Anonymous said…
So sorry this round of chemo is a tough one....
Glad you were able to enjoy the baby shower...
and able to eat soup...and it settled well with your tummy!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers

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