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Chemo, Cookies and Cheerios

I haven’t written in my journal in a while. I had a bad month. I am finally feeling good again. I went to work all week and did good. After the first hour I start to yawn uncontrollably and then I come home and sleep for 3 hours. I go for my 5th treatment on Monday and I am starting on Taxotere so I am a little nervous about what the side effects are going to be. With the Adriamycin and Cytoxan I have had mouth sores, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, bone aches, acid reflux, and hot flashes about 100 times a day! I have had no appetite but have managed to gain 9 pounds! The doctor said it is from the steroids. Jeff is all about me gaining wait. He says I need to stay healthy. I feel like a bloated toad. I have tried to write in my journal but it has been difficult. I am trying to keep my positive attitude but it’s hard sometimes. My eyelashes and eyebrows are starting to fall out so when I look in the mirror with no makeup on I think I look like an alien.

My friend Patty that lives down the street came over to visit the other day and she gave me a blanket to snuggle on the couch with. Her mom made it and it is just beautiful! It has the breast cancer ribbon and roses embroidered on it. There is a picture of it above. I just love it. I am always curled up with it that is until a hot flash hits and it goes flying across the room along with my whatever I have covering my bald head at the time. Then 2 minutes later I am freezing and scrambling to keep warm again.

Jeff knows I have been miserable lately and he has been cleaning and organizing stuff. Well today he did the sweetest thing. I gave him some stale Cheerioes that have been around a while and told him to go throw them in the yard for the birds. When he came in, he came upstairs and told me to go look out the window. He wrote “I LOVE YOU TRISH!” in Cheerios on the lawn. I couldn’t believe it! He is the kind of guy that tells me he loves me 100 times a day, but to write I love you in Cheerios! It was sweet. All I could do was hug him and tell him how special that was to me. He was so happy that I was happy! He made my day. Then I told him I have been waiting for that romantic moment for 22 years! LOLOL!

I have been making cookies all day today. I am taking some to the nurses tomorrow when I go for chemo. My mom is making some too. She makes the oatmeal fudge no bakes and they are so good! I made oatmeal raisin, oatmeal chocolate chip and chocolate chip. I am hoping that I feel good enough this week to make my sugar cookies. I was going to today but I ran out of energy. We decorate them as a family for Christmas. It is so fun!

I am going to go take a peek at Jeff’s Cheerio art work again before the birds eat it. What a sweetie!


Anonymous said…
Hi Trishie, That WAS sweet of Jeff. I am glad you had a happy day!!! I know that your scared about tomorrow and I wish I could do it for you. I'll be thinking of you all day. I love you. Pam
Anonymous said…
Hey Trish!
That is the sweetest thing for Jeff to do for you =)
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Glad you took a pic of it, so
you can look back and remember that moment!
What a sweetie of a husband you have!
I had to laugh when u told him you waited 22yrs for that romantic moment...hehehehe
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
Anonymous said…
Love you trish.  Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy new year
Anonymous said…
Hey there Trish! Will be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow as alway!  I hate to hear you have not been feeling good.  Keep getting stronger..I am glad that you were able to update as to how you are doing..I want you to know that I am praying for you daily!  You have a sweet husband!  The cookies sound yummy...Hope you have a good week!  Hugs to you my friend!  TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Oh boy but that chemo can make you feel awful, can't it?  But.. it's only temporary Trish..and soon, this will all be behind you!

What a sweetie your hubby is to say I love you with Cheerios!  Quite creative, too! :)

I remember my eyelashes and eyebrows coming out too.  I just learned how to draw eyebrows on... put pencil eyeliner on the bottom lids, to make it appear as though I had eyelashes, and to actually wear false eyelashes on top.  I got pretty good at it all.  I am very vain, and there was no way I was going to work with out eye make up, lipstick and my wig on! lol  Silly I know!

Cookies you are making sound yummo (as Racheal Ray would say)! lol


Anonymous said…
Ok, ya had me sniffling on this one....way to go Jeff! lol trish I know how bad the bad days are, but better days are coming I promise! hang in there! We are a tough bunch of women!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh man that Jeff really did a good one there, how wonderfully sweet of him.  Who would have thought that cherrio's would be a girls best friend.  I know you feel awful but you look wonderful in your pictures and I love the blanket.

Anonymous said…
I'm glad you posted.  I was worried about you.  Jeff sounds like such a sweetie.  *sigh*  I think it's amazing that you've been able to work and you're baking cookies!!  I haven't done one bit of baking and I'm not going through any treatments!!  You go girl!  (but take it easy)  I LOVE the blanket.  That's a very sweet neighbor you have.

Take care ,
Anonymous said…
Hi Trish, so good to hear from you again. I havent been around in awhile either, so if you are up to it, check out my update, along with some awesome, or is it awful, pictures of me with and without hair. Take care, Bless you always, and have a wonderful Christmas! Barbara
Anonymous said…
Hi Trish!  I hope the taxotere is treating you well.  So far so good for me, with the taxol.  Although I have been feeling down...I guess getting tired of this whole thing...but I am sure with a couple of days of rest and the holidays I will perk up soon!  The hot flashes are killing me.  At night, I sometimes get 2-3 an hour and it is really messing with my sleep!  Hang in there...I will keep checking in to see how you are doing!
Anonymous said…
I am glad I found the link to your journal.  I am glad that you are now feeling a bit better and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.  Hugs.  Terry xx
Anonymous said…
Trish, your husband is FABULOUS.

Hang in there....I continue praying for you and think of you often!!!

XOXO, Susie
Anonymous said…
Happy Holidays to you!  Thank you for sharing, it's so inspirational as I begin my journey thank you for sharing your journal.  I will be having my surgery on the 29th and then chemo will start four weeks after.

Happy Holidays.  Carol
Anonymous said…
That was so cute--the Cheerios message :-)
I can't help but noticed pictures I've seen of you here are all smiling.
It sends a positive message.
Gem :-)

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