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Merry Christmas

Can anyone be this miserable? I am so over this Breast Cancer thing. Here it is Christmas Eve and I can barely get myself off the couch. This treatment has really knocked me out. I am so frustrated. I don’t feel like getting dressed or moving. My mind wants to go, go, go, but my body will not. I don’t feel like watching television or reading, all I want is for the days to be over so I can try and go to sleep. Sleeps another story. I have been sleeping on the couch because I am up 10 times a night with hot flashes and I don’t want to wake up Jeff. I have watched every infomercial that is out there. This is what I have learned so far. I am sure I can now become a millionaire buying homes and re-selling them after I fix them up, I know I can have acne free, baby soft skin if I follow a simple 3 step regimen, I can Bedazzle anything in my house and make it snazzy. I can have a sparkling clean colon if I take a colon potion, I can put a blanket in a big bag and suck it into to a small square that will fit in the silverware drawer, and I can dance my way into losing 20 pounds in a week.

I am really trying not to be so down but I think because it is the holiday and I am so used to being such a busy body, that’s what is so hard. At this point I don’t even know if I forgot anyone on my list I am so confused. I didn’t even do my Christmas cards. I bought them, but I never wrote them out.

I only went to work 1 day last week. But they did ask me if I would come in for a little while and I thought it was to exchange our presents. Megan had to drive me because I was not feeling good at all. I had a lot of bone pain, so I had to take pain medication. I didn’t even get dressed. I had my sweats on and a t shirt. When I got there the Principle asked me to go down to the gym and wait for them. So there I am sitting in a chair and they are getting ready for a teacher vs. student basketball game. Before the game started, they called me out onto the gym floor in front of the entire school and said that the kids have been having a fundraiser selling ice cream and they presented me with the money they raised. I couldn’t believe it. I started crying. I was so overwhelmed. It is really going to help my family out. I have so many medicalbills and deductibles for my medicine and I have not been working alot. I also make my car payment with my check so that has been hard too. How nice of them to do that for my family. When I looked up in the bleachers and saw all the kids clapping and smiling, it was so emotional for me. I still can’t believe they did that.

Jeff took me to the store today to get some last minute things for Christmas. While he was checking out at the dollar store I had all I could do not to sit on the floor in a heap and wait for him. I wanted to get my kids some stocking stuffers. I know they are older and I did tell them no stockings this year but I laid on the couch and it drove me crazy that I didn’t get them anything for their stockings.

My mom and Sue came over this morning to visit after church. I cried when I saw them because I am so miserable. I try not to cry in front of my mom, but I just lost it. I had a bad night and sometimes you just need your mommy! She cooked breakfast for us. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, hash browns! It was so good! I loved their visit.

Megan got her senior pictures. I am so proud of her. She looks just beautiful. I think about when she was born and how she had to struggle because she was a preemie. (3lbs. 4 ounces) I can’t believe how time flies and how she is so grown up and she will be graduating in June.

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful day.




Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas to you too Trish.  I just want to cry with you.  I'm so sorry that you're not feeling good this Christmas.  Big hugs to you.  I also wanted to cry when I read what your sweet students did!  That was so thoughtful.  And your daughter!  She's just so beautiful and those are wonderful pictures.  I know you are so proud that your little itty bitty baby has grown into such a nice young lady.
Anonymous said…
Too funny Trish.  Don't forget, that you can also "Feed The Children" with the money you got; make juice out of anything with the "Silver Bullett"; Set it and forget it with the Ronko rotisserie; and make yourself rich by placing "One tiny classified ad" in the paper.  Those are the infomercials I see when I am up late worrying about you!!!  I love you SO much - you don't think so, but you are doing great.  But remember, during your darkest moments, when you are feeling so crappy - that's when we are all here for you!  Love you, Sue
Anonymous said…
Trish, honey.. this will all be a distant memory soon.  I remember having to celebrate my first Christmas with Cancer, and I felt as miserable as you do now.  I was so tired.. my bones ached.. I was just miserable.  You do get to the point where you're just 'tired' of it all!  But... this is just small time out of the loooong life you still have to live.  Just a tiny speck out of it.  This time next year.. your hair will have grown back... your strength will have returned, and you will be running around like a chicken with your head cut off, trying to plan everything for Christmas, once again.  Most importantly, you will be healthy!  Cancer Free!  And, ever so grateful to be up and able to move about without getting sick and tired.  

Please try and have a nice Christmas.. :)   You have such a wonderful support system, that in itself is a fantastic thing!

My prayer for you is that you have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year which is filled with love, happiness and an abundance of good health!!

God Bless


Anonymous said…

Just want to say My whole family thinks of you every single day and prays for  you
My family & I went to Christmas eve mass tonight And I ask god to not let you suffer so much.  And so did my mom.

We love you very much.
Linda, Tony Ashley & Gina
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry you are feeling so bad and on christmas...
I wish i were there to give you a big hug....never lose hope!
That is wonderful what the students did for you....makes me wanna cry too.... Your daughter is gorgeous!  Love the second pic too.... Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas...
Always in my thoughts and prayers....
Anonymous said…
Trish Merry Christmas to you, in spite of everything you are going through you have wonderful children, a husband and family that are there for you!  You'll make it through this I know and believe.  I know I've not started my road to chemo yet, as my surgery is this Friday so Chemo will be in late January.  My thougths and Prayers are with you.

Love in Christ,

Carol from California
Anonymous said…
 Well Trish, I am convince more then ever not to ever get a TV again, infomercials, Ugh.   Soon this terrible time will be past and you will be feeling better and better, I hope it is sooner then later.  For now just sleep.  Your body is telling you what it wants.  Take care and Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said…
Dear Trish,
So sorry to hear Chemo is knocking you for a loop.
Your description of the Infomercials was positively brilliant!
One thing I know, Chemo may knock you out, but it will never knock out your great sense of humor....I really think that will help you get thru this ordeal.
I along with everyone else, are hoping and praying that these Chemo Treatments will go a little easier on you.
               From Ft. Lauderdale  
Anonymous said…
Trish, just keep hangin in there. I know its rough, I have lost count of how many times I've said I can't take it anymore and just give up. But then I remember all the folks who are behind me, praying for me and sending me positive thoughts and energy and I think, I can beat this. I have a long road ahead but I have to take it one day at a time, otherwise I can go crazy. Some days I dont even want to get out of bed, but I make myself, just to know I am still alive. So hand in there, I know its easy to say, hard to do, especially when you are the one thats going through it. But you can do it, WE can do it, dont ever give up! I'm hear anytime you need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to talk to. You are a beautiful, gutsy woman, and you know it! That was a beautiful thing for the school to do, so wonderful, bless them! And you have a gorgeous daughter, just like her mom. Please take care, we are going to make it! Blessings, prayers and all the positive energy and love I can muster up to send your way. Barbara
Anonymous said…
LOL, you know I meant, HANG in there, didnt you? hee hee
Anonymous said…
I sure hope you had a great Christmas and are feeling better. I'm so sorry you are not feeling good.

Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it be great if we could ditch all this cancer chit and go on a tropical vacation?....I'm soooooo done with cancer (and treatments)! I'd trade my chemo cocktail for a fruity (frilly umbrella included of course) cocktail on "Da Beach" any day.........sounds good don't it!?!?! Care to join me?? lol lol lol

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