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Just moving along

I had chemo #4 and I am still trying to decide if have recovered from it yet. I feel good in the morning, then about 2:00 comes and I start to feel it. So far I have a lot of nasuea and some mouth sores with this round. I’m done with the Adriamycin and Cytoxan part of my chemo, now I move onto the Taxotere for 4 treatments every 3 weeks. The Taxotere has less nausea side effects but it causes bone pain. uggh

The last week has been emotional for me. Megan had a field trip and I didn’t know if I would be able to go with her. She was really looking forward to it. She talked to the teacher and they said if I feel good to just show up and it would be fine. Well, I ended up going with her. That was the Wednesday following my chemo. I felt really good in the morning, but I had a couple moments on the bus where I was thinking….what am I doing here. I just really wanted to be there with her. On the way home we had to stop by and pick out her senior pictures. I started crying when I saw them. I just can’t believe my little 3lb. baby girl is graduating. Her pictures are so beautiful! I came home at 2:30 and crawled into bed.

On Thursday Megan had her drivers test. All this stuff in one week is not good for someone who is already going through chemopause! She was so nervous about the parallel parking part of the test. While she was trying to park she stuck her head out the window and said to the guy….“it’s a good thing I don’t live in New York!” She is so funny, and I think she charmed the guy enough to pass her on the parking test. She passed the road test so we went right to the Secretary of State for her drivers license. AHHH!! When we got home off she went in my mini van. This is where I would say something about grey hairs….but I don’t have any hairs…lol

Megan and Jeffrey have been through so much in the last year and a half with our health. Jeff was so sick last July. He had to have a some of his colon removed because it ruptured, and we were just bouncing back from that when I was diagnosed. In fact it was a year in July for Jeff, and that is when my nightmare started. I never realized what my kids were really going through until Megan read an email to me that she wrote to someone that she hadn’t talked to in a while. Now I sit back and can’t believe how strong my kids are. I just hope that when I am done with my treatment and everything checks out good, that we have some kind of normalcy in our lives again.

The day we picked out Megan’s senior pictures and I was feeling so down, I came home and there was a package waiting for me. It was from my friends on a website that I go to! They sent me 2 survivor buffs!!  They are so soft and cozy. It was such a wonderful surprise!! I have been going on the website for a few years and have made some good friends. They have been great support for me. Maybe one day when this is all over I can make one of the get togethers. I would love that. They are all so nice. I would love to meet them! Thanks RNL!!



Anonymous said…
<sniff, sniff> oh my.  The survivor buffs just brought tears to my eyes.  what wonderful friends you have.  And your kids!  No doubt they are stronger for it all.  I haven't made any field trips this year and feel so bad for it.  I'm proud of you for doing it, but can imagine it was very difficult.  Chemopause!  Oh my!  I guess you have a taste of what's to come.  Poor you having to go through it twice in a lifetime!!  I hope the Taxotere is gentle on you but tough on the cancer.

Take care,
Anonymous said…
 Well you just look lovely in your survivor buffs.  I hope they are nice and soft.  Hope your next round of chemo isn't terrible.  Glad you could go on the field trip.

Anonymous said…
Hi Trish!
#4 was bad for me too.  I was definitely the most nauseous with this one.  But I think I am coming around now!  I hope you are starting to feel better too!  I am very nervous to start Taxol...I guess the Taxotere is similar so we will still be going through similar treatments, although mine is weekly and I will also have Herceptin.  You are so amazing, though!  I can't believe you managed to go on the field trip with your daughter!  I could barely drive my mom back to the airport yesterday.  I got home afterwards and had to take a two-hour nap!

Take care of yourself and don't overdo it! I am thinking about you and hoping you are hanging in there as best you can!
Love, Kristin
Anonymous said…
I hate what this disease has out my children through as we knew it is forever changed...they have never see me this sick and unable to take care of myself on my bad days....they are now taking care of me. This phase of our lives Trish are almost over....we are survivors!

Anonymous said…
You look beautiful in your survivor buff =)
How sweet of your friends to send you those!
Glad you were able to make the field trip..and
congrats to Megan on getting her license!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
Trish.. your kids will survive this, and be stronger for it.  I know that sounds so cliche' but they will.  My kids twins were barely 12 when I found out I had Ovarian Cancer, and there father was not in the picture.  I was a divorced mom.  So we called ourselves the 3 Muskateers.  One for all.. and all for one.  As hard as it was for them... something no child should have to endure alone (with no other parent for them to go to), is awful, and unfair.  But they were my little rocks then.. and they still are.
Your kids will survive this, Trish... as will you! :)    

I love your survivor Buff!  You looks so pretty, chemo or no chemo!  You have a smile that would light up a room!

Hugs and prayers

Anonymous said…
We love you, Trish!!!

Hang in there!!

XO, Sus
Anonymous said…
What is the survivor buff?  Linda
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Trish you are a beautiful woman, with or without hair. And the buff looks great on you. I am thinking of ordering one for myself. Hang in there with the treatments, you are almost home. Blessings, Barbara
Anonymous said…
I found the cbs site that has buffs.  If any of you are interested its:

Hope the link works. Blessings, Barbara

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