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Chemo Countdown!

My last chemo is Monday! YAY!! I am on official countdown. I can’t believe how fast it has gone now that I think about it. The never ending hours of laying on my couch are almost over.

That 7th chemo really took a lot out of me. I had no energy. None! I had the usually bone aches and fatigue, followed by a really low white count, followed by bronchitis. I went to the doctors Monday and he gave me a shot of steroids and some antibiotics and I started to feel good by Monday night. And my doctor did confirm the mammogram results and said it was “fabulous”. I did a little house work and laundry, and tonight I even made a good dinner for my family. I never thought I would appreciate feeling so good. I think I am going to go to work tomorrow too. Things are looking up.

My mom, sisters and sister in law Annie are all going to my last chemo with me and then we are going to go out to lunch to celebrate. I’m sure by Wednesday I will be feeling lousy so I am going to live it up until then.

Out of all this, it is the weight gain that is getting to me the most. I just don’t feel like myself and there is no way I can even get my jeans on unless I want to feel like my head is going to pop off. I know the weight will come off when I start my routine again.

My sister Pam was in the hospital for a few days. She had a kidney stone and was in terrible pain. They did a scan and decided to keep her because it was so large and causing a blockage. They were going to have to do surgery and she finally passed it and it was huge. OUCH!!! She is home and doing better now but she still has a few stones and has to follow up with her doctor. She was miserable. She had been so sick and throwing up and was all drugged up and said to my mom…. “if I keep throwing up like this I am going to lose all kinds of weight and then I will be nothing but stick and stones”. She is so funny!

It has been so cold out, and Jeff works outside. I hate the cold and don’t know how he does it. I get frozen just walking out to the car! I appreciate him so much for that. It must be hard to go out and be in the cold all day long. He comes home and is so tired.

My hair is starting to grow! I have fuzzies all over my head. This should be interesting watching it grow back. I have to say it has been nice not doing my hair but I am glad it is growing.








Anonymous said…
yeah on your last chemo. I bet you can't wait. I'm so sorry it makes you so sick. I hope your sister is ok with the kidney stone.

Anonymous said…
Only 1 more to go!  So glad to hear that your last mammo was all clear!  Awesome news!  
It will be interesting to see how your hair grows out.  Mine was originally very straight, but when it grew out, it was curly!  Now.. it just has a lot of body in it, but the curls did calm down.

Hang in there, Trish!

Hugs and love
Anonymous said…
Doing the happy dance for you!  Woo-hoo!  Almost through with chemo!  Enjoy your good days!  Poor Pam.  That stone sounds so very painful.  I hope they pass without delay.  Stay warm!  Take care, Stephanie
Anonymous said…
So happy for you!!

Anonymous said…
Happy day!!!! This marks a brand new start!!! you go Girl!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I personally know how difficult it has been.  Chemo is no fun.
Anonymous said…
Trish, what wonderful news hearing your last chemo is Monday. Many prayers have been answered....go out with your family and have one fantastic celebration, may all your days from here on out to filled with wonderful and happy moments....enjoy everyone of them dear.....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Kim [Demandnlilchit, I shaved my legs for this?] sent me over, to wish you good luck on your last chemo day next week.

Anonymous said…

Hooray I am so happy. I will be thinking of you on that day.
And Pray that everything goes alright with you.
I am going to see my brother-inlaw the priest this weekend And I am going to ask him to say a special pray for that day.

Your cousin
Linda, Tony Ashley & Gina
Anonymous said…
Hi Trish,

Kim sent me over....I just wanted to say, "You Rock, Trish!!"

You are doing so great!! Good luck on Monday...soon this will all be behind you.

Have a great weekend,
:) Carol
Anonymous said…
  I can't believe your almost done, it has gone by fast.  Soon it will be just a bad memorie and you'll have you hair back.

Anonymous said…
WOOWHOOOOOOO! One more treatment and you are DONE!
Keeping you and well as your sister in my thoughts and prayers
<<<<<<<Doin the happy dance with you>>>>>>> =)

Anonymous said…
Hi Trish!!   Stumbled up your journal tonite, and as one breast cancer sister to another I had to say YIPPEEEEEE!   YOU DID IT!!!!  When we start chemo it's hard to believe we'll make it that last one.  Seems years away!   I just want to tell you in that April it will be seven years since I heard the words, "It's malignant."  And seven years from now, you'll be congratulating sisters who are finishing their chemo!   As for the fuzz, before you know it, you'll be through the Sinnead O'Connor stage, and moving into what I called the Pom-Pom stage!!!   And then it won't be  long until you look like YOU again!! Congrats!  Enjoy your celebration!

Anonymous said…
Trish I know it's been a few days since your very last chemo treatment and I know you are feeling pretty crappy about now, but trust me girl friend better days are coming!!!!!! I am so very proud of you my warrior in pink!!!! you rock!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Trish I am so sorry you are so sick again. The only high point is, that it's the last time. Take your medicine and try to get lots of sleep. I'll see you after work. I love you. Pam

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