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Good Weekend, and the Relay for Life

I went to my family doctor Monday for a follow up from the hospital. She has treated my asthma for years so she knows all about my lung issues. I still have some wheezing so she put me on some other asthma meds. I also told her about the hot flashes I have all night long and she suggested eating soy products. She said that it really helps some people. I am ready to try anything..bring on the tofu!

Friday I went to the show with my sister. I called her earlier that day and said…”I have to get out of the house and do something.” We had a really good time. We ended up meeting my family at a bar for a late dinner afterward. It was nice to get out and do something.

Saturday I woke up feeling good too. I went to my nephew’s basketball game and then I had to go buy Megan some drawing paper so I visited my mom were she works at JoAnn’s. Then from there I went to Target and walked around for about 2 hours. I bought popcorn and a pop and just wandered around the store. I ended up in the baby section and bought something for the baby. I bought a shirt that says What happens at Grandma’s stays at Grandma’s! And some little booties to go with it. I spent about half an hour in the trail mix section. I really don’t eat the stuff, but I was fascinated by how many different kinds of mix there is! I ended up buying something covered in chocolate, and some honey crunch nuts. When I got out to the car, I sat there for 10 minutes eating trail mix. Not a care in the world. By the time I got home, I was exhausted but I really needed to get out.

Sunday I went out to breakfast with my family, then Jeff took me to the grocery store. So I have been doing ok, I just lose my energy really fast. I am still not supposed to be around people that are sick. That is kind of impossible right now since everyone I know is sick. I was paranoid to touch the shopping carts. I think I will carry some antibacterial wipes in my purse.

I have had a headache for 2 days now. Nothing I take helps but I will take a headache over the chemo misery any day!! I think I just over did it on the weekend. When I feel good I try do too much. And then I just hit the wall.

Below is the link to my Relay for Life page. If i can get it to work...(There is also one to the side of my main journal page) I am in charge of getting all the entertainment and I am starting to plan. I still have to confirm a couple bands, call some clowns and make sure all the special laps are in place. It is so much fun. I am hoping some of you can make it out to visit our booth. My mom is making her famous mostacholi. That is what we sell at our booth to raise money and last year it went over really good. We still need people to join our team! We would love more team members. If you live nearby please come and hang out with us for a while and walk a couple laps. Honestly, this is just something you have to experience to know what I am talking about. I got involved 5 years ago and have been involved since then.


Anonymous said…
Hope your headache goes away soon...glad you had a good week!  keeping you in my prayers!  Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Every new day now brings new joy.....I say to myself, "Cancer, you can't take today from me, it's mine..all mine!" It might have taken my breast, but it isn't getting "TODAY" from me. Life is good Trish, life is good!



Anonymous said…
Glad you had a good week.  Headaches are terrible, hope yours goes away soon.

Anonymous said…
Hey Trish!
Glad to see you getting out and about...
I went to Target over the weekend...I love that
place...i could look and look forever!
Anonymous said…
Was just told about your journal by Barbara.
Hope you visit me if you haven't already.
And hope you let me know if you'd like a tag to be linked (look at my side bar) & linked to many others in J-Land with cancer.
We are all fighting together, supporting each other!
Seems I may have been here before, your pic looks familiar????? Have had sooo much on my mind lately.
Praying for you.
Anonymous said…
Hey, tofu's not that bad!  I have a couple of recipes I could share with you, if you want.  Plus, I like to get what's called "Ma Po Tofu" at Chinese restaurants.  It's a little bit of ground pork with soft tofu squares and lots of flavorful sauce, a little spicey.  Great with rice.

I don't know how you are organizing this entertainment!  You go girl!  Sounds like fun.  Wish I could visit to taste your moms cooking.
Take care, Stephanie
Anonymous said…
Trish, I am so glad you are starting to feel better!  I hope things are looking up for you FOR GOOD!  You certainly deserve it!  You have been such a trooper through this whole thing.  I am done with chemo but will be on herceptin until December and I will start rads on 4/2.  Maybe we will be April rad-sisters!  But you need to get your strength back before you go there.  Don't overdo, and hang in there!
Big hugs, Kristin
Anonymous said…
Trish ~ I am glad you are feeling a little better and having good days!  Thinking about you and praying for you!

With hugs,

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