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I'm Home

I am home now. They released me from the hospital on Monday and I am slowly getting my strength back. The good thing is I can breath! I was so congested that it was wearing me out. It was so weird, I would start to feel good and then it would hit me again. This went on for 3 weeks until my sister Sue finally made me go to the hospital on Friday. I was still in denial that I had to be there while I was in the waiting room with my sisters. I kept saying...."I feel better now...can we go home" said.."get up and walk to the atm machine and back and we will see".. The thought of it exhausted me so I knew I was in the right place. I have to say, you see the strangest things in an emergency room. Just random people with the strangest things going on. I wanted them to set my bed up out there so I could just watch people all day. Although people might have though we were the weird ones. I was sitting there with my bald head in between my sisters, and one was rubbing my back and the other was rubbing my head. hee hee

When they finally called me back Sue came with me and we followed to the exam area. We kept walking and walking and finally I said to Sue...I have to stop..and the guy turns around and says.."I should have gotten you a wheel chair" and the stubborn side of me said "I'm ok" and I kept walking.

They gave me triple dose of breathing treatment and started my IV in my port. The doctor came in and was really funny. He cracked a couple jokes and Sue said..."who does he think he is Doctor McFunny. (you know like Dr. McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy). So when he came back in that's what I called him. At this point I was still ready to go home, but he decided to keep me under 24 hour emergency care watch. After many breathing treatments and antibiotics they decided I needed to be admitted. I had so many steroids that my face is really round and my stomach is bloated. I know it will go away but when your bald and feeling not so cute, the last thing you need is a moon face.

I had my bone scan and my CT scan while I was there. My bone scan came back clean! I am still waiting for the CT results. I go to the Dr. on Monday for that. I also had a heart ultrasound, (chemo can cause heart damage), and an electrocardiogram.

My dog missed me so much that when I came home the window shade was broke from where he was sticking his head out waiting for me to come home!  When I walked in the door he went nuts. Following me and crying and whining. I love my dog!

I was planning on working this week until all this happened. I feel so lost. I haven't been to work in weeks. I enjoy the kids and my friends so I miss it. I still have a lot ahead of me with the raditaion so I know I won't be back at work everyday. They have to "tatoo" me and get me set up for it. Then I have to be there everyday for 6 weeks. (5 days a week).

My poor mom is going to drop taking care of me. She is here everyday doing the dishes and laundry. I enjoy having her here. We have always been really close but this time we are spending together means so much to me. I am so happy to have her here with me through this.

My cousin MaryLyn came over On Thursday, the day before I went into the hospital and brought my family dinner. It was so good. They were chicken rollups, with cheese and salsa. She even brought the sour cream to go with it. Brownies too! My family loved it, and it was nice to have something ready for Jeff when he got home from work. Thank you so much MaryLyn.

Megan drew some pictures of me in the hospital. They are so cute so I thought I would show them. She is working on a picture of her dad right now. I can't wait until she is done so I can show it off. It is amazing!

I am particpating in the Taylor Relay for Life again this year and I am also the entertainment chair. It is a 24 hour walk for The American Cancer Society. I've  known so many people touched by cancer that I have been doing this even before I was diagnosed. This will be my 5 year. It will be very different for me this year as a cancer survivor. It is still hard to believe it. I have had a hard time with this. I always did this for other people and it is hard to accept that I am a part of the reasons to relay now. I will try and post a  link to my Realy for Life page. If you have one in your city or town you should try and go just to experience it once. It is amazing!

Thanks to everyone for all your prayers and concern. It means so much to me.


Anonymous said…
Welcome Home Girl!!!! I'm glad your feeling better!!!!


Anonymous said…
Trish!  I am so glad that you're home!  I have been thinking and praying for you for days now.  Ever since your sister told us what was going on.  Bless your heart!  I'm glad your sisters MADE you go to the ER!  I know how weird being in that place can be.  I used to work in one! lol  I saw that stuff every day!  It can be quite a circus at times!

I am really so relieved that you are doing better, and that you can BREATHE!  Breathing is important, you know? lol

Love and hugs
Anonymous said…
Thank the Lord you are getting better. All the positive thoughts and energy and prayers I could muster went to you getting better. You are such a sweet and pretty gal you deserve good things to come to you. I am glad you have such a great support system, friends that come by, your mother, your sister, and your daughter, not to mention countless others. I just love the pictures! She is quite talented! You are blessed! May good blessings continue to come your way. Take care, blessings, Barbara
Anonymous said…
Your daughter is a great artist!  Bald head, pink underwear and all.  He-he!  I'm so glad you are doing better and your bone scan was clean!  Whew.  Big relief.  Hope you get your CT results soon.  Awwww.  And your poor little dog.  I bet he was just distraught.  Stay well!
Anonymous said…
So glad your feeling better and I loved the pictures.  You poor dog, I bet he won't leave your side for awhile.

Anonymous said…
Glad you're home from the hospital.  You are very brave.  I have relatives that have battled cancer and it's truely one of the toughest things to face down but you seem to have a positive attitude.  -Dawn-
Anonymous said…
Welcome Home

Anonymous said…
Trish ~ Thank you for your comment in my journal.  As of now, I have only read your most recent entry.  I've laughed and cried.  So much of what you've written, I can relate to.  

"I had so many steroids that my face is really round and my stomach is bloated. I know it will go away but when your bald and feeling not so cute, the last thing you need is a moon face."

The above...I know EXACTLY what you mean and how you feel!!!!!!! :)

I'm adding your link to my journal, and you and your family to my prayers.

Anonymous said…
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...
Feel better soon!!!!

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