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Drivers license pictures...YUCK!

I’ve had 3 zaps and so far I’m doing good. Monday I start on a regular schedule so that is good. I have so many appointments lined up for the next couple weeks. Radiation is a breeze so far and everyone there is so nice.

I have fallen into kind of a depressed mode lately. I don’t know why. It’s just not like me. I think when you go through something like this you keep going and doing everything you have to do to get better and it all just catches up with you after a while. I am frustrated because my mind feels good but my body is just not like it used to be. I can’t just bend over and pick up my dogs toy like I used to because now it takes everything I have to get up again. I walk up the stairs and have to stop at the top because I am exhausted. I walk down the stairs and my knees just don’t want to work. Chemo does a number on your body. Then coming off of all the steroids after you have been on them for 7 months is hard to adjust. I have lost 7 of the 20 plus pounds I gained from them though.

Jeffrey bought a new car last week and I had to do all the running around for it because with his new job he gets home when everything is closed. I had to go to the Secretary of State and get his plates and registration so while I was there I decided I might as well do all my stuff too. I had to renew our plates and I also had to renew my drivers license. I couldn’t mail it in this time I had to go up there and get a NEW PICTURE!!! Oh great, a nice new puffy faced, bald headed picture! So I wore my pink scarf, and my finest sweat suit and headed up to the DMV. I even wore extra eye liner. I was number 70 and they were on number 30 so I sat there and waited for my number. After about 10 minutes one of the ladies asked if anyone was here to renew their drivers license so I got line with about 10 other people. I told her I had plates to renew too and she said when I am done with my license I can sit and wait for my number to be called. It was my turn and I had my eyes checked then she started my paperwork. And then she whispered, I am just going to go ahead and do your plates now too! I was so thankful to her. She said you don’t need to be in here waiting in line with all these people. Who knew cancer had it’s perks! Ok now it was time for the dreaded picture, I stood there all proud and beaming with my little pink scarf on because there was just nothing I could do about it so I decided I was going to rock my pink scarf and just smile. Click…she took the picture, then she calls over the other lady…for some reason it was taking a full body shot of me….lol so they said…ok we are going to take one more…click…full body shot again. This went on and on and by the 5th time I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even pose for the picture. They took 7 pictures in all, and then decided they were just going to use my old picture! Can you believe it. I stood there in front of 50 people getting my picture taken 7 times and they use my old picture. Everyone hates that moment when you stand up and get that dreaded drivers license picture taken. It’s awkward and nobody likes to do it but by the time I was done everyone around me was rooting me on. So it all worked out in the end.

It is a beautiful day out today but I am so tired. I think I am going to go take a nap.




Anonymous said…
Trish, guess you were meant to go and get all the car stuff done and then your license renewed.....amazing about the number of pic's they took and then decided to go with the previous pic you had.....know we all dread having that picture taken anyways.....Good luck with the radiation treatments, if I haven't meant taking giner before and during your radiation treatments, please do, can help with the burning sensation.....the chemo can have a hard effect on your body and take awhile before you feel more get up and go....but you made it through and tomorow will hopefully keep bringing more sunny days your way.  Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Boy I need to learn to type better, lol.....meant take ginger be it tea, cookies, spice....can really help during radiation.  My Sis and friends said it helped them so much.....bless you dear...Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Take it easy this weekend and have a good one too!  I so hate getting my pix taken for drivers license!  Glad she did the tag right after sure that helped some!  Big hugs and loads of prayers!  TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Oh how i hate getting that dreaded license taken..haha
I wish they would use my old ones over and over..but
a full body shot...oh hell no...haha! I would have been laughing my butt off too... Hope you enjoyed that nap... I laid down a bit this afternoon and was soooo tired but just couldn't sleep...hate when that happens... Have a great sunday!
Anonymous said…
Do you think maybe they really screwed the pictures up, or maybe they thought they were doing you a favor by letting you keep your other photo with hair?  Do you think?  Maybe they just wanted you to 'think' they screwed up the picture.  I'm just sayin' is all.  Cancer does have it's perks, as you well know.. and.. well.. those ladies sounded awfully nice to me.  Although... you, my friend.. are beautiful with no hair.  I've seen your pictures before.  Not all of us are blessed with a beautiful face, and a perfectly shaped head! :)  You are one of the ones that can honestly say.."Bald is beautiful!"  I wasn't one of those.  It was always wig or scarf time for me! lol

Anonymous said…
I can't believe that after all those pics, they used your old one. LOL
Anonymous said…
LOL!  Great story!  And I'll never say a bad word about the DMV again.  :-)  I hope you liked your old picture.  It's lovely to hear about acts of compassion, because I'm sure that waiting was exhausting.
Take care,  Stephanie
Anonymous said…
LOL.......sounds like you had fun.
Hope you feeling in a more 'up' mood today
Sending hugs your way

Anonymous said…
It's lovely to hear that things are hectic again and your coping, cos that's life! So you go for it. I've also heard that when someones had an illness for a while, it's quite normal to feel a bit depressed, because it sort of hits you like a "brick shit house", sorry trish, bit of kiwi slang there. But gradually, and by the sounds of it , it aint gonna be long and you'll have this all behind you.
I think of you heaps,
Love Jacqui in New Zealand

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