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I'm home.

I’m home. I came home Sunday afternoon. I can’t just go in and have surgery, I have to have every complication that comes along with it. But the good news is I am doing good now.

My mom got here Tuesday and had me to the hospital by 5:00 a.m. I didn’t sleep all night. I just stayed up because I was so nervous. The doctor came in and explained just what they were going to do and that is when I learned that I wouldn’t be having the laparoscopy surgery, they were going to do a bikini cut. Uggg….. The anesthesiologist came in and asked me if I wanted a epidural instead of having to have morphine afterward. I get really sick on pain meds so I had the epidural. I was so scared but they came in and put something in my I.V. and I don’t even remember them doing it. But I do remember wheeling into the operating room and seeing about 5 people getting things ready for the surgery, and what looked like a mound of tools on a cart!

I woke up asking a ton of questions, “am I done?, is it over, am I o.k., where’s my mom?” Then they took me to my room. They kept the spinal in for the rest of the day. Thank god because about 20 minutes after I got into my room I had an asthma attack and started coughing my guts out. I was doing good until then. Then I started pushing my little spinal pump to get make sure I was numb enough not to feel the coughs. They said I pushed it 2 times every half hour for about 10 The thing is, my right leg had got very numb and I couldn’t even lift it the next morning so they slowed it down to see if that would work. My left leg was fine, I could move it and push against the doctors hand but the other one was just dead! It was so frustrating. This went on for 2 days. They were really concerned and I was going to have a CT scan to see what was going on but I started to feel my toes after they adjusted the needle in my back. They took out the needle the next day and about 4 hours later I was starting to move my leg again. I had to walk with a walker to the bathroom and drag my numb leg along with me.

After the asthma attack they had to do an x-ray of my lungs. This is when they said I had fluid on my lungs probably from the surgery. So I had to stay in the hospital and get tons of steroids and breathing treatments. I gained 11 pounds in 1 week! I feel like a balloon! The good thing is I will be off the steroids slowly within the next week and the weight will come off.

My mom and Jeff were visiting one night and the Chaplin came in and asked me if I wanted to say a prayer. I told her that would be wonderful. So she turned to my mom and Jeff and said…”are these your parents?” The look on Jeff’s face was like…HUH WHAT??!!! She said the most beautiful prayer for me, it was very touching and I was very emotional, but after she left I almost split myself laughing!!! There’s Jeff with his grey beard being called my dad! HYSTERICAL!!! I laughed so much that I went into another coughing fit! Lolol

Well, I’m home now and I am doing good. I am just a little sore and I have taken myself off the pain pills because I just can’t handle them. I can’t stand how they make me feel. I have nightmares. If I stay on the couch and not try to move around the house too much I feel good.

I have been so depressed over my appearance lately that I have even cried to Jeff. My hair is bushy and weird, I have major dark circles under my eyes, and I was already having issues with my weight gain and now I have gained even more. I know I will be back to normal one day, but when I look back on my journal and see who I was in the beginning of this cancer journey, I feel so lost. I don’t see myself in the mirror anymore.

When I feel better I am starting an exercise routine and my goal is to be cute by springtime!!!!!


Anonymous said…
You're body has been thru a war zone.  You'll be back looking all cute by Spring.  
Anonymous said…
Welcome home! Glad you are feeling better.
Just take the weight loss & toning slow, you've been through a lot.
Anonymous said…
Hi Trish

I'm glad your home My mom  And I were saying so many prays for you.
That was funny about Jeff being your dad I can't imagine him being your father.
Say hi to the family we will keep praying for you.

Love you loves your cousins in nj
The Capoocia's  
Anonymous said…
Trish, you sure had a lot going on but you made it through all of it and time will make you feel even better.  Just take care of yourself, don't overdue and hopefully your strength will shortly start to come back to you. Bless you.  Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…

Understand where you are coming from with the weight and not thinking you look good but your family is glad to have you and to them you look great even better than great! Take care of yourself the weight will come off after you can kick those steriods to the crub.
Anonymous said…
Trish, honey... you may not look like the person you once were... but, you have your health back!!  Doesn't that far outweigh a few frizzies on your head, circles under your eyes, and a little weight gain!  Things could be so much worse.  
I'm so glad your spirits are up, and that you are feeling better from the surgery!  Girlfriend.. you have no where to go but up Up UP!  Stay positive.. and remember this too shall pass!

Hugs and love

Anonymous said…
Trish you are cute always girlie!!!
I have dark circles and weight gain all the time
it seems circles I chalk up to getting older and my weight love of  I plan to change things i am starting a diet and exercize routine in Nov.  Wish me luck....take it one day at a time will all fall into place...Keep the Faith...glad you are finally home!

Big Hugs!
Anonymous said…
YOU ARE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! We don't need no stinkin hair!  lol

Anonymous said…
Glad you're home Trish.  My DH has had those epidurals before and they work wonderfully.  They must have hit a nerve going down to your leg since the numbness went away when they took it out.  Too  funny what the chaplain said.  LOL  You're cute already.  Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Anonymous said…
I am so glad that you are back home Trish.

Sorry i had to laugh about the chaplain and how you laughed after they had left the room...... think my daughter thought i was crazy until i explained it to her.
I love the way that you were able to still see the funny side of things after all that you had been though

God Bless you
hugs Jayne

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