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Wow. It's been a while. I have been so busy! I have been working and getting things done around the house that I haven't done in a year! All the sudden my eyes have been open to my surroundings again, and I'm not liking what I see! When I was sick I didn't see it. I painted the bathroom last week and then I painted the hallway ceiling. I think I over did it though because this week I have zero energy. It has been so hot here and that doesn't help.  Sue and Pam are coming to help me finish up. Thank god for them!! I hate asking for help, I always did everything myself but I just have to come to realize I don't have the energy like I used to.

I found out last week that I am going to have surgery a week from today.  I am going to have a Oophorectomy and probably a complete hysterectomy. It is all for preventative reasons. I am at a high risk for cancer in those areas so the doctors recommend it. I still don't know how I feel about it yet but it will be less worry for me if I don't have the ovaries.  I am not looking forward to this at all but I am going to do what I have to do.

My friend Jacqui is coming from New Zealand in less than a month. I am so excited to see her. I can't wait to go to the airport and pick her up. We will probably be up the whole night talking that first night. We have so much to talk about. This is something we both only could dream about now it is happening. I only wish that I could go there and visit one day. My family is excited too. Can't wait!!!

We have been working at the Haunted House on the weekends. We have so much fun. Even my mom was there one night. We scare the crap out of people. And Jeff is so big that he really gets them. Mike, Pam, Sue, Megan, Jeffrey all go too. Sue runs it for the little league fundraiser so we all go and help out.  Megan and Karen did all the art work on the trailers and it looks so cool! I will try and get some pictures of it.

Baby Jeffrey is so cute! He is rolling over now and his personality is really starting to show. I love that little stinker!


Anonymous said…
The baby is adorable!  Don't do to much at once!
Anonymous said…
The baby is just a dolly!! So cuddly looking!
Sounds like you've been so busy. Don't overdue it before your surgery. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Trish, how nice that your friends are coming to help with the painting, what would the world be without our "Special Sisters".  You'll be in my special thoughts and prayers during your surgery, sounds like a good preventative decision you've made. Enjoy looking forward to your NZ friend coming to visit, nice that worked out. This is the Haunted House time isn't it, sounds like everyone is enjoying. Jeffrey is a special blessing for you to enjoy, they change daily don't they, so nice you have those moments with him.  Take care.  Bless you....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
So good to hear from you, Trish!  I'm glad you are continuing to recuperate, but, be care about overdoing it! lol  It's easy to do that when we get that clean bill of health and start feeling like our old selves again!

I hope you enjoy your time with your friend!  

Stay in touch!


Anonymous said…
PS  Baby Jeffrey is adorable!   And, a complete hysterectomy will make you a new woman!  Trust me!  I had it done (because of Cancer) when I was 42, and I don't regret it for a minute!  I don't think you will either!


Anonymous said…
Baby Jeffrey is just adorable!  Love the pictures.  I'm sorry you have to have that surgery, but if it's for the best, you have to do it.    I hope you have a good time with your friend.  What an exotic place.  It would be exciting to go there!  Have fun with the haunted house!  Don't scare the kiddies too bad!  :-)
Anonymous said…
Jeffrey is so cute!  I am glad you able to be up and about and getting back to normal again.  If I were in your shoes, I would have the 2nd thoughts.  Hope it goes well for you and your recover goes smooth.  I've always wanted to go to New Zealand.  Pics of the country are beautiful.  I hate driving around Metro Airport.  Makes me dizzy driving under the bridges with the big fans.  LOL  One time I had to drive in circles thru there several times waiting for my hubby.  I got so dizzy, he had to drive home!  LOL  I've always had problems with going round and round since I was a kid.  Where is the haunted house you're working at?  My daughter lives in the same city as you.  I'd bet she probably goes there.  She goes to several each year.  Will be keeping you in my prayers next week when you go for surgery.  (((Trish))) hugs to you.
Anonymous said…
As you know I had a complete hysto in March, mine due to cncer of the uterus. Glad yours is only for prevenative reasons, I say get rid of all the parts that we can that cancer might attack! We have to fight that dreaded disease best we can!!!
Keeping you in my prayers.
God bless,

Anonymous said…
I think aol ate your last entry.  I got an alert on it but it is not there when I try to read it.  I hope th e surgery went well.  Please let us know how you are doing soon.  Linda
Anonymous said…
I am so ery sorry to hear about your forthcoming operations.......but i guess its for the best in the long run even though it doesn't seem that way.

Good Luck.

Have a wonderful time when your friend gets there.

The Haunted House sounds like a hoot.......

Jeffrey is adorable.......time certainly flies.....soon be walking  :o)

TakeCare Jayne

Anonymous said…
hoping all went well with the surgery, been thinking about you but as always I am a day late....dollar  

baby jeffrey is adorable love the pics!


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