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Update on my mom.

Hi, this is Trish's daughter, Megan. I'm just giving a quick update to let everyone know that her surgery went well. However, she is still in the Hospital. She was suppost to come home Thursday but they have kept her because of breathing problems. She was also suppost to come home today, but they are keeping her until her breathing improves.

Just wanted everyone to know...

Love, Megan.


Anonymous said…
TY for the update Megan.
Let Mom know I have her in my prayers & lighting candles for her. {{{}}}
God bless,

Anonymous said…
Thanks Megan for the update on Trish.  Glad surgery went well, hopefully her breathing problems will get better and she'll get to come home soon.  Bless her, she's in my thoughts and prayers, Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Thank yoiu for the update Megan!  I hope her breathing improves soon.  My thoughts and prayers go out to her.
Anonymous said…
Megan thanks for keeping us all informed, I hope she is resting comfortably and comes home soon!

Anonymous said…
Thank you Trish for keeping up updated.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the update Megan.  LInda
Anonymous said…
Megan... thank you for letting us know about your mom and how she is doing.  She has been on my mind and in my prayers.  You wrote this yesterday.. and I do hope that your mom is feeling better!  Give her my love, and tell her that she is in my prayers.

Keep us informed!


Anonymous said…

My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
We love you and miss you guys alot.

Love you lots

The Capoocia Family
Anonymous said…
Megan.....thank you for letting us know about your mom. My prayers are with her and your family. Will be nice to have her home again I am sure.
Anonymous said…
Playing catch up here

Thanks for letting us know Megan. I hope that she improves soon and is home with you all
hugs Jayne

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