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I Used To Have Rhythm!

I started a diet and exercise program. I have been trying to exercise every other day. I have two 5lb. weights so I  have been working out my arms too. The left arm isn’t cooperating too well but it is getting stronger. I just have a hard time lifting it over my head.  These little chickies on the workout videos I do have been doing are getting on my last nerve…”come on, you can do it, smile, you will be in a bikini before you know it”, yeah right, a bikini? I don’t think so. I have a hard time keeping up with their fancy little moves. I use to to be able to keep up now I look like a cheerleading tryout reject.  I use to have rhythm! Then just when they say..”come on, only 5 more minutes to go”, that is when I collapse on the couch in a heap. Then I look over to see baby Jeffrey is bouncing like a maniac in his bouncer. I wish I had his energy!!

The other day I got up had my coffee, made a slim fast shake in the blender, and I was feeling gooooooood. I’m thinking OK! I can do this!!That was until Jeff got home from work. He went sneaking by with a bag in his had and them came to the computer and presents me with a plate of cheeseburgers and onion rings! I told him I couldn’t eat it! He has such a sad little look on his face so what do you think I did?……… I ate it…But I have been trying really hard to eat the right foods so a splurge wouldn’t hurt right. Fast forward to my nephew Jaiden’s birthday party, yup I ate sloppy joes and cake…And then yesterday I went to Red lobster with my Mom, Sue and Megan. I had fried shrimp and how can you resist the cheesy biscuits? I have a new respect for people that diet. I really never had to diet. I mean my clothes would get a little tight and I would cut down on the Doritos and cupcakes for a while but this!!!! This is a nightmare!! Lol

I went walking with Sue at the recreation center. We did 17 laps so that equals a mile. By the 16th lap I was dragging my butt around the track whining to Sue that I had enough. At one point she said “lets pick up the pace a little” and I did for a little bit but trust me I am out of shape.

When we were at Red Lobster the other day, I took baby Jeffrey along because I watch him during the day. I packed up his little bag and brought a little jar of food. I have a silver baby spoon that was Jeffrey’s that has been in my drawer for 22 years. Well my mom was holding Jeffrey and feeding him for a while and then when we were getting up to leave I was packing up his bag and said..”where’s the spoon? My mom freaked out and said, “she took it with my plate!” I told her that's ok mom I only had it for 22 years! LOL! The waitress went in the back and found it in with the other silverware. It was so funny. I felt bad for the waitress so I left her a bigger

Speaking of tips, my husband is a huge tipper. I am the one that gets out my phone and calculates the tip on my easy tip calculator. One morning we went out to breakfast and the waitress was really rude. Pam was not happy and only left $1.00. I mean this is a cheap little breakfast so I usually only leave $2.00 or $3.00. Pam and Mike had left and I was standing there talking to my mom and Sue and the waitress goes to our table and says….”you gotta be kidding me, this is all they left” I was standing there and I couldn’t believe my ears. This is not the first time she made comments about tips. She will complain about other tables and what they leave. Well I had enough, I went straight to the manager and told on her. I am usually not like that but I think I am getting pissy in my old age. Lol. The manager was mad and said she would have a talk with her. Hey if she was nice she would have gotten a nice tip! 

I thought I would post a picture of my hair progress and some cute pictures of the baby.


Anonymous said…
You look awesome!  So does the baby.  Linda
Anonymous said…
Baby Jeffrey is so cute!!!!!  Good luck with the excersise program!!  You are better than me!!  I lack in the motivation area..and I'm a sucker for a good cheeseburger AND milkshake! LOL  Be well.  Prayers to you and your family.  Hugs~Irene
Anonymous said…
The baby is adorable and you look great.  Remember all you've been thru.  It will take some time before your running laps around everyone!  Enjoy your weekend.
Anonymous said…
You crack me up Trish!  Dieting is tough, and it doesn't help having those ultra perky "little chickies" when you are trying to catch your breath!  I like watching the guys lead, like Gilad!  Hey, what can I say?   Little Jeffrey is just adorable.  I like your hair at this length.  Very cute.  Megan is gorgeous as usual.

I like your breakfast story.  I think we all get a little bolder and crustier as time goes on!  LOL!
Anonymous said…
You look fabulous...hang in there with the exercise, will billed up your strength.  Baby Jeffrey is so adorable.  Take care. Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Jeffrey is adorable.............

I am so glad that you got the spoon back.......phewww.

Love the photo of you.... very nice, the hair is looking good

Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne
Anonymous said…
You look wonderful Trish.  Holy crap, 17 laps, your my hero!   Jeffrey is so cute, what a joy for you.  Speaking of tips, onr restaurant we visited, a buffet,  always ask if we want to add a tip, this is before we have even been seated.  I am always tempted to say something but Bob would not like this.  I'm bad, he is the nice one!
Thanks for stopping by.    Dawn       A Couple of Nomads
Anonymous said…
Jeffrey is glad you got the spoon back....I can't believe that waitress complaining about tips...if the service sucked why should she expect more...glad you complained...

You and your daughter are sooo pretty!

Way to go on the's hard isn't it...I've been trying since November...i've lost 18lbs so far...but hey we have to treat ourselves every now and then...we can't give up all that good

Have a good weekend

Anonymous said…
You look so pretty. That baby is adorable, but you know that already. Glad you were able to get the spoon back I have all my kids spoons still and yeah they're 23-18 years old. Hard to believe that time flew by.
Take care, Chrissie

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