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Baby shower

I’m going along good with radiation. I am getting a little sore and my arm feels like it weighs ten pounds but I am good. I asked the doctor about it and she said that it is probably because I have to raise my arm way over my head and hang onto a pole everyday. I have some shooting pains every now and then on my left side under my arm and on my breast where they are focusing the radiation. The one thing that is driving me crazy is the fatigue. It is so bad. I get extremely tired throughout the day. I am also still having some side effects from chemo. I am so frustrated with my body. I have a hard time getting up after I have been sitting. My legs shake and then my knees and hips just don’t want to move. Once I get going I am good, but it is painful. She said it could take up to a year to get back my strength. A year! I don’t have a year, I have a grandbaby coming that is going to keep me hopping. I got some practice with that because I am watched my 3 month old great nephew. I forgot how demanding those little stinkers are. I fed him and burped him and then had to go change my clothes. Lol. He is so cute and such a good baby. I put cartoons on for him and he sat in his little chair watching like he really knew what was going on. I haven’t watched cartoons since my kids were little. Lol Sue and Steve usually watch him but Steve had surgery to remove his gallbladder and have a hernia repaired so Sue had to pick him up from the hospital. Steve is home now and so far Steve is recovering good.

We had the baby shower for Jeff and Bonnie and it turned out really nice. There were so many people there. It was so nice to see everyone. I think everyone had a good time. They got everything they needed to get started with the baby. My family has been great helping me with everything. I have no energy and they all just pitched in at the shower and made it happen. My friend Judy stayed and helped clean up and I was so grateful. That was so nice. I stressed over that shower for months and now it’s over. lol

Now I am starting to send out invitations for Megan’s graduation. I fear that everyone will think…oh no….another Ehrenberg party!! I am going to have her party early because the baby will be here in 8 weeks! Megan has been so good through all of this cancer stuff. It is her senior year and her mom is sick, so I really think she deserves this party. Her prom is May 18th. We borrowed a dress from someone and it had to be altered so I have to pick it up Thursday. It is just beautiful. When we went to the dress shop the lady said…“oh that is last years dress“….and I Megan goes,
“I know, I borrowed it from someone!” How grown up is that. She could have been a little snot about it and got mad about not having the newest dress that everyone is wearing, but she is happy with her dress and she looks just beautiful in it. I can’t wait to post pictures.

Yesterday my doctor told me that she doesn’t want me to go to work for a while. I have been really run down so she is concerned. I told her that I only watch kids eat lunch and clean up after them but she still thinks I need to stay home. I went to work Monday and was so tired that I just wanted to lay on the lunchroom floor. School ends soon and Jeff thinks I should just take the rest of the year off too but I am so stubborn. I will have to see how I feel in the next week.





Anonymous said…
First of all, Trish.. don't push yourself!!  All that chemo and radiation really does a number on our old bods, you know?  It's been 12 years since I went through chemo and I still get achy bones, and I swear that it's left over crap from that stuff.  But, whatever.. at least my Cancer is gone, and that's what's important!

Now that the shower is over, it won't be long till you will be holding that little grandbaby in your arms, and, oh, what a joy that is!!!  I am so excited for you!

Just don't push yourself to do more than you are able, Trish.  Rest when you need to...  Your health and life is more important than that job!  Listen to your hubby and your doctor!

Hugs and love

Anonymous said…
PS.. I didn't realize there were pictures up there!  That quilt is beautiful!!  Good job, grandma! :)  


Anonymous said…
Nice pictures!  Your son looks like you.  I love the quilt.  You will be fine with the baby.  Babies sleep so much, you can just let him lay on you and you can take naps together.  :-)  Megan sounds like a lovely gal.   I hope she has a good time at the prom.  Take care, stephanie
Anonymous said…
Hey Trish

Do what your doctor's said you don't over do it?
Or I have to come out and sit on you lol.
I want to see you so bad and so does my children.

Love Ya

Linda, Tony, AShley & Gina
Anonymous said…
Listen to the doctor!  You have alot of important stuff coming up and you need to keep all of your strength in reserves for that!!  Plus, I think rest helps you heal quicker.  

The pictures are great!!  Looks like a wonderful day and I LOVE the quilt!

Anonymous said…
I have two sons graduating this year and two next year!  I just finished with all the invites for one of the boys and am getting started on the next ones!  Our prom is tomorrow night.  I am so excited!  Linda
Anonymous said…
The baby shower looks like a good time!  What a pretty mommy to be...take care of ;yourselfa nd ahve a great rest of the week!  Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Bless your heart...hope your energy ZOOMS up for you! Your daughter sounds like my Amanda...she is just happy to have the dress isn't she? !!! GOOD FOR HER!
That grandbaby is going to get you in shape grandma!!! I am so glad that the shower turned out so nice!
Love ya,
Anonymous said…
Trish, It's no wonder you are fatigued.  With all that you have gone through, it is not surprising.  All that stress that you are having will slow down your healing.  Megan sounds deligtfull.  Please take care of yourself.        Dawn
Anonymous said…
Between the radiation and the chemo, you do need to take it easy.  Your immune system is very low right now and you don't want to run yourself down that your immune system is non existing.  Have a good weekend.

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