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Boy of Boy oh Boy!!

Boy oh boy oh boy! What a week it has been. My emotions have been all over the place. The minor stuff I can handle, like my fridge still being broke, and how much it is going to cost to fix it. It is the main board that controls the fan that was out so I have to get it replaced. I am not too fond of the guy that is fixing it but since I already paid them to come out and just look at it so I am stuck now having him fix it. If your wondering why I am not so happy with the guy..he just made a really stupid remark about cancer to me and I handled it good but when Jeff heard he was so pissed off! He called the company and told on the guy. I didn’t want him to but he was extremely mad. If you want to know what he said email me and I will tell you. I called and told them that my husband wanted someone else to come and do the work but he is the only one that works on refrigerators. Whatever. I am going to be so embarrassed when he comes back…not for me but for him! Some people just don’t think before they say things.

(UPDATE) I called in a new company to do the work AND it was much cheaper. I am out $55.00 but I don’t even care anymore!

And another minor thing is paint spilled all over my carpet in the van. Oil based paint! RED!! I got most of it up with turpentine but now my car smells

Ok…this one can be filed under the slightly major category… of my toenails fell off from chemo! I know…YUCK!!! I was horrified! Not only because it is gross but because it is sandal weather. lol

Today I went for my 7th radiation treatment. My cousin Debbie is at the same hospital because she just had surgery for uterine cancer. It makes the fridge and the paint drama just seem so trivial. I am so sick of bad news.

Yesterday when I was there I went to see her before surgery. She is in really good spirits. I told her that she can do this!! No matter what they throw at her she can do it!! I had to go home but my mom stayed with them through the surgery. The doctor told them that it was also in her ovaries, so she has to have chemotherapy. I feel so bad for her she is such a sweetheart. I went in and checked on her today when I went to radiation and she seems like she is in good spirits. When I was leaving they were getting her up to walk. I never realized how much we had in common. We talked about the T.V. shows we watched and had a really nice talk.

My friend Kim that has a journal just got bad news too. She has been battling along with me for months, and within the last week found out that she has spots in her lungs, spine and brain. She has been such an inspiration to me through my treatment and I would read her journal and know that I could face anything I was going through. I hate that she has to go through all the treatments again. I know it was hard for her the first time. The link to her journal is on my sidebar to the left of my journal. It's called "I Shaved My Legs for This?" She is such a good writer and has such a great outlook.

I am getting ready for the baby shower on Sunday. Only 8 more weeks and I will be a GRANDMA! I am so excited. I know the shower will turn out good but I am having party planning anxiety. Lol I have counted shower prizes and favors 5 times and I come up with a different number every time! Lol. I give up!! As soon as the shower is over I have to get Megan’s graduation party invitations out….yi yi yi…

My hair is growing in really good. I can get a nice lather going now too! I love it. I am still not ready to go without a hat or scarf though. I think within a couple weeks the world will get to see my new doo! I lost 3 more pounds since last Friday so that makes 10 pounds. It was all that bloat from the steroids and it is just melting off. I feel so much better and I even wore my jeans on Sunday.

So far the radiation is going good. I have a little pain but I can handle it. It is so depressing in the waiting room though. There are so many sick people out there. It is weird because I feel so bad for them, I don’t see myself like that. They might be thinking the same thing about me! lol



Anonymous said…
Only 8 more weeks til the baby!  Hooray!  I'm sorry to hear about your cousin.  I hope the surgery went well and she is recovering.  She's lucky to have you to talk to.  You've done chemo and can relate even if your diagnoses are different.  Glad to hear about the weight loss too!  That's so great.  I know it was bringing you down.  Too bad about the toe.  You can pretend you are a marathoner and lost it after a race!  LOL!  Aerodynamics explains the bald head.  Oh, but no!  You're getting hair.  That's good news too.  I'm glad your DH called about the jerk.  He needs to learn to think before shooting off his mouth.  Maybe it won't ever happen again.   Take care,  Stephanie
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well.  It is so exciting that you are going to be a grandma!  I love being a Grandma.  Linda
Anonymous said…
 Being a Gramma is so fun.  You will love it.  Nice warm little sweet smelling baby makes everything seem better.  Glad the radiation isn't being impossible to handle.

Anonymous said…
Big hugs friend...I am going to be a grandma again in about a couple of weeks..hope you get the fridge fixed...that can drive ya crazy too...I will be praying for you!  Hugs,TerryAnn
Anonymous said…
Trish.. being a grandma is the best!  Even though I don't get to spend as much time as I would like with mine... it's still the best thing ever!  I can't wait to see pictures of your little Pnut (that's what I call!!  You will be so proud!

When I was going through my chemo (from Ovarian Cancer), and I would sit in the waiting rooms of different doctors.. I never felt like I was as sick as some of the others sitting in the doctor's waiting room, either.  In fact I know I wasn't.  Some were so sick, and you could tell, just by looking at their faces and body.  I was achy and probably pale looking, but I could still go to work everyday, in spite of all the chemo and drugs they were giving me.  I'm thankful to God for that.  Being a single parent, I couldn't afford to NOT go to work.

Anyway.. I am so glad your hair is growing back!  Which reminds me... did it come back looking the same as before, or is it different?  Like more curly... or straight?  My hair had always been straight as a poker, but after chemo, it grew in curly!  They say that happens.  It was all so new and soft, and perfect.  Virgin hair, just like when I was a baby! lol

Sorry this is so long...

Anonymous said…
Trish, hope you are doing the ginger that I'd mentioned in previous notes to you, really does help with the radiation burns for many folks....a teaspoon of the spice, ginger tea or gingersnap it daily dear.  

Sorry to hear about your Cousin Debbie, will keep her also in my prayers. Just be there for each other it will hopefully be a comfort to you both.  She'll need your support and caring and I know it will comfort her a lot.

Your Grandchild will be such a happy blessing and bring wonderful moments and memories for you, may the Lord bless you both and give you many, many years of enjoyment with each other.

Glad you found someone else to do the refrigrator repair....yes I'd like to know what he said to you, so many people speak before thinking.

Know you are in my special thoughts always dear....I care.....Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
1st Thank you for worrying about me but I am doing so well it's scary! lol lol lol And you know girl you need to email me what that ass said to you and he should also be reminded he's lucky he didn't get his ass kicked! lol lol lol Your cousin will appreciate anything you have to say to her because she knows you have already walked in those shoes.

Anonymous said…
Here's hoping that the babyshower you all have is more fun then the one I had for my godson!  We had it during playoffs for football and it was next to a sport's bar the day the Pat's played!  My sister and her ex got into a fight before the party and at the party my aunt and my sister got into it!  Lovely!! Good luck and hope everything gets better. -Dawn-
Anonymous said…
Stay cant beleive its only another 8 weeks.

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