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I'm a grandma, and put a fork in me, I'm done!

Yay! Bonnie had the baby! What a little cutie poo. He is just adorable. She started having back labor on Wednesday and so about 8:00 Wednesday we took her to the hospital because it was getting pretty intense. They sent her home and said she wasn't dialated. At about 12:15 Jeffrey came running into the kitchen saying Bonnie's water broke, so back we went! She was dialated to 1 so the waiting began. By 3:00 in the morning she was at 2, and by 6 she was only at we waited...the doctor came in about 8:00 and said she was at 10.  She pushed for 1 hour and 45 minutes and the baby was born at 10:06 Thursday June 14! It was so exciting. I was in the room with her and so was her mom and Jeffrey. I stood by her head and grimased at every push! At one point she look at Jeffrey and in a cute little cry for sympathy said.."why did you do this to me"? She had the death grip on his head and I even saw her grab onto his hair...LOL. Here I am saying.."come on Bonnie, you can do it", (this coming from someone who never pushed out a baby, I had 2 c-sections) and by the last 15 minutes of pushing she was exhausted and saying she couldn't do it anymore. So I said, come on Bonnie get pissed and push that baby out!" She started pushing again and out popped Jeffrey Francis Ehrenberg III. We are all on cloud nine. Megan was so cute, she stood by the window just waiting for us to come out and tell them. Bonnie is still in the hospital, they are coming home Saturday. I can't wait.

Put a fork in me I'm done!  I had my last radiation! That's it! I'm done like dinner. I got a certificate and everything. I am officially done with cancer treatment. Whew, what a feeling. I made it through the good the bad and the ugly. It will be a year on June 24 that I went to the doctor and told her I had a lump in my breast. From there it has been a whirlwind. Now I can sit back, relax, and enjoy my new little grandbaby! Oh how I love him!

Time to party like a rock star!


Anonymous said…
A Gma & finished with Ca Treatment! Double WOO HOO!
Baby is so precious, {{ }}.
Have a GREAT weeknd.
my other journal links are on my side bar

Anonymous said…
What an AWESOME beginning to a FABULOUS weekend!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!

Anonymous said…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....So PRECIOUS!!! Congratulations Granny!!! WOW...what a week.....a long awaited ending and a brand new beginning....GOD IS GOOD!
love ya,
Anonymous said…
Trish & Jeff

Congradulation on you new grandson we are so happy for you.
Give Bonnie and Jeffrey our love.
And I am very glad that you are done with radiation.

We Love you.
Linda,Tony & Ashley & Gina
Anonymous said…
Wonderful news on the baby and finishing radiation.  It's party time for sure.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations grandma!  :-)  Doing the happy dance here for you.  The baby is beautiful!  He has a lot of lovely hair!  And congratulations on being through with rads.  And you are approaching the 1 year mark.  It's good to have these good memories to replace the bad ones.
Take care,  Stephanie
Anonymous said…
Trish, congratulations on becoming a Grandma,  he is absolutely beautiful, so happy for you dear.  Sounds like she had normal reaction to going through childbirth, at least Jeffrey survived her ordeal, lol .  WTG on finishing your radiation treatments, may all the best that life offers from the baby Jeffrey's birth  and from here on after, be filled with happiness and joy for you.  Arlene (AJ)
Anonymous said…
Time to party!  Congrats on becoming a Grandma and finishing treatment!  You have a beautiful grandson.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful moment for your whole goes on and a newborn baby is the perfect example! Congrats to Jeff and Bonnie.....beautiful baby boy!


Happy Dancing that rads are over for you! Cheers to your good health my friend! or should I say Grandma Trish??? lol
Anonymous said…
A grandma and done with radiation all in one entry!!  CONGRTULATIONS!!!  Linda
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the new grandbaby!!!!!

and also a big congrats on finishing treatment...

Party on sista!

Anonymous said…
Congratulations... AGAIN!!!   You're a grandma now!!  Isn't it the most exciting thing ever??? :)   Now, we are both grandma's AND Cancer Survivors!!  I am so happy for you,  because I know how much you have been looking forward to this!  Being in the delivery room (especially when it's you at the OTHER is such an awesome experience!!!

Hugs and love

Anonymous said…
Congratulations...... twice over  :o))

Your grandson is the black and white (hubby? and baby)....absolutely beautiful.

Now you can start living life all over again
Anonymous said…
CONGRATS what an awesome day it is. You're life has changed again forever.
Take care, Chrissie

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