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I have good news!

I have some great news! I went to the doctor today and found out that I am officially in remission!!! Yup That's right cancer free!! I have been waiting for the results for 2 weeks, it was a long 2 weeks, but Yay! I can move on to radiation now. I don’t even have to go back to the Docs for a month! After going every Monday for 7 months, that was music to my ears.

I celebrated until I got home and checked my computer and found out my friend from another journal who has been great support for me and going through this at the same time as me found out today she has a malignant tumor in her lung. She is a fighter I know she is. She is only 3 months out of chemo and now this. It is really hard for me to celebrate knowing what she has to go through. On my sidebar of my journal main page there is a link to her journal. It is "I Shaved My Legs For This?" Stay strong Kim.

I am feeling really good. Aside from being tired I think I might be getting back to normal. My mind is racing with things I need to do because I have done nothing for a few months now. My body is sore like I ran 20 miles and that is from just resuming normal activity! It is so nice to get out and see people. I went to work 3 days last week. I paid for it on Friday when every muscle in my body hurt from walking and wiping tables. That's good though. That means I am getting my strength back.

I have been thinking a lot lately. About this whole cancer thing. When I was diagnosed, I was so scared. I never thought I would hear the word "malignant" but when you do your life changes in a flash. You think....there is no way I am going to be able to handle this. I used to think about that before I was diagnosed. I would think, what if I get cancer one day like Sharon? What would happen if I lost all my hair? But guess what? You just deal with it. You go on and you do what you have to so you can get better. I fought so hard some days when I was on chemo, and there were even days when I told my husband and my family that I just couldn't do it anymore. Some worst days...Jeff would hear I can't do this anymore at least 50 times. There were days I just wanted to run out the front door away from myself. I would tell Jeff I just want to leave my body here on the couch and run away from it. He would encourage me and I would make it through another day. It hasn't been that long, only a month and 2 weeks since my last chemo, but I am already starting to look back and was hard but I did it!!!! I could not have gone through chemotherapy without all the encouragement I had from my family and friends and I just want to thank everyone. I got so many cards, gifts, phone calls and e-mails. It helped me through everyday. Some days when I was feeling my worst, I would get my bag of cards out and go through them and read the encouraging words. It would get me through another day on the couch. Now I am ready to move on to the next phase of treatment. I go to the radiologist Friday to get set up for radiation. I just want to do it and get it over with. I am looking forward to a great summer. I have so much to do. Baby shower, graduation party and the baby comes the first of July! Then I go camping in July for 11 days!!! I don't know how I am going to leave that new grandbaby!

About my hair, it is starting to grow and I am so used to not having hair and not going through the daily rituals of blow dryers and curling irons that I am thinking I like the no hair thing. But really I am looking forward to having hair on my head again just so I can lose the scarf, just like hair gets old!! My eyebrows are filling in and I am starting to get eyelashes on my left eye. Yes just my left eye..go figure. Oh and my hair is growing in with a really weird bald man pattern. Hair on the sides and back, no hair on the top of my head and very front. Hee hee. This should be good.


Anonymous said…
Doing the happy dance!!  Celebrate your remission!  Woo-hoo!  Yes, it is so good to hear.  I'm sure Kim will be happy to hear it too.  :*(  
Take pictures of your weird hair!  LOL!  You can compare it to your grandbaby when his/her hair grows in (or falls out).
Anonymous said…
I am sooooooooo happy for you! GOd bless and keep you and look over you everyday!
love ya,
Anonymous said…
I don't comment much but I have been following your story.. I am so happy for you..sometimes we don't know how we find the strength to do the things we do.. if you would have told me that my hubby would get cancer and have to go through surgery and chemo I would have said there was no way we could do it but we did...we are amazing us human beings!! I heard about Kim too and know that just like before she will do what she has to too... congratulations to you!! Go out there and get your life back!!!

Anonymous said…
Every day you'll feel better.  I believe it takes up to 1 year for your body to recover from chemo.  Congrats on being cancer free!
Anonymous said…
This is good news!  I'm so happy for ya.
Anonymous said…
Trish, what wonderful news hearing you are in remission.  All of our prayers and thoughts of you have been answered, bless you dear.....know you'll do well with the's a tip I read about many years ago and have told my Sis and friends who have had cancer and had radiation...said as soon as you know you'll be having radiation, start immediately taking ginger, can be the spice directly, gingersnap cookies, ginger tea, whatever and do this every day to build up your system.  The ginger seems to help with the burning sensation a lot of folks get after radiation.  Know it's helped Sis, my Mom-in-Law, many friends and it is all natural, so won't harm you.  Originally read this in a Doctors column in our newspaper, so pass on to anyone I know who will be doing the radiation as no one has ever said their doctor suggested doing that, but they felt it really helped when they had the treatments. Enjoy each day dear.....Bless you....Arlene (AJ)  
Anonymous said…

I am so happy that you are in remission.  I prayed every night for you and sunday when I went to church.

All I have to say is thank God he answer my prays to make you better.
I want to come and see you in the summer let me know when.
Love you
Your cousin
Linda from nj  
Anonymous said…
 Trish, I got a mental picture of hair growth and had to giggle.  Isn't that strange the way it happens.  One of my patients had beautiful salt and pepper hair.  On chemo just her black hair fell out, LOL.  Then it grew back brown.  So weird.  Congratulations on being in remission.  Wonderful news.

Anonymous said…
Trish, this is Linda's husban Tony. That is great news. Glad all is well.
Anonymous said…
I am so happy to hear this news!  I am very excited about doing the relay with you!  It will be great to meet you and your family.  LInda
Anonymous said…
Trish, I am soo happy for you! This fight is a hard one, but hearing that women like you are surviving gives the rest of us the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Anonymous said…
Wonderful news
Anonymous said…
Yay!!!! for being in remission
<<Doin the happy dance>>


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