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I found something!

I always feared this would happen to me because of my sister Sharon. She died from breast cancer. I've always had my mammograms since she was diagnosed because of the risk factor and family history, I just really never thought it would happen to me. This is how it all came to be.

I starting having pains under my left breast, so one night while I was laying in bed watching television, I started feeling around and found 2 little lumps, and 1 larger one. I always checked so these came up pretty quick. I went and told my husband and he could feel them too and his response was, "make an appointment" that is always his response to all my little health concerns I throw at him, but this time he meant it. He was scared. I was due for my mammogram and pap test so I called the Doctor the next day. I went in for my exam and she checked the lumps and told me to go for my mammogram as soon as possible. It was in the same building so I went right away and made the appointment. By the time the day of my appointment came, one of the lumps had grown pretty large and was really sore.

June 26, 2006 I had my mammogram

Mammograms usually don't bother me but because of the painful lump I had it was uncomfortable. After they did both breasts she came back in and focused on the left one and did 20 different films and poses. She came back and told me I had to have an ultra sound right away. When I was done with the ultra sound she came and told me the radiologist would like to talk to me. He told me that he was recommending that I have all three surgically removed. I was scared but I knew it had to be done.

I made an appointment with a surgeon, Dr. Turfah. My mom and both my sisters went with me. He said that he would do a core needle biopsy on the largest one to see what we were dealing with. I had the procedure done and the results came back clear and that it was fibrocystic changes. I was relieved! Then he told me he still wanted to remove all three lumps just to be sure. We had a vacation planned with the entire family. So he told me to go have fun and we would take them out when I got back.

August 16, 2006 Surgery day

On the day of surgery I had to be there early so they could do something called a Needle Wire Localization. I was so scared! They put you in a mammogram machine and the top paddle has holes in it. Well, if you ever had a mammogram you know that they squish you, take their picture and release you. This was different, I was trapped in that machine for at least 45 minutes! Yes 45 minutes! I told the technician if there is a fire she better push the release button before she runs. This procedure was awful. They took a picture, read it, came back and graphed out where the area of concern is , then took a needle and poked it through the hole in the paddle. YIKES! then they released the needle and a long wire with a hook on the end stay in my breast. I had to have it done on 2 areas. I was trying to be strong but I was on the verge of tears a couple times. They had to start over 3 time because I would slip out and move a little and then they would have take out the needle, and graph it all over again. When they were finally done  they put me on the hospital bed in the hallway. I looked down and it looked like I had antennas coming out of my boob, it was painful and I laid there choking back tears. From there I went right to surgery. I don't remember much except for my mom and sister standing there and I was complaining to the nurse (who was a guy) that I didn't have any underwear on and why can't I wear my underwear when I am having surgery on my boob! I went on and on about this and he said to the other nurse, "uh you need to get in here" the other nurse comes in and puts something in my I.V. and that's the last thing I remembered! When I woke up, the nurse said..."you have your underwear on!"  I must have babbled on about my underwear so much that they put them on me when I was out! I still think about that and laugh. Surgery went good and the doctor even told my family everything looked good and he doubted I had anything to worry about. So I went home and waited for the results. I thought maybe it could be cancer, but then I would think...this is not going to happen to me!

 I was really sore and couldn't sleep, and when I did I had nightmares! My family was there for me. Everyone would gather upstairs onto my king size bed to hang out with me. I love them! they are so GREAT!!

The waiting.......I waited all weekend to hear something, and when I didn't I decided to call the office. They said the results were not in and the doctor would call me when they I waited some more.



Anonymous said…
This entry reminds me of my experience when I went in for my surgery to have my lumps removed. It happened the same way with the needle and wire sticking out. Something I will always remember.


Trish said…
This is me, your Grandson. I just can't believe you survived this. You make me proud to be related to you and anyone from your bloodline. You are the bravest person I know and I would risk my life for you. I love you.

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