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Bald Is Beautiful! And chemo #2

O.K. It's official, I'm a baldy!  My head was itchy and sore and I had so much coming out that I decided I had enough.  My mom and sisters came over and we put it into about 8 ponytails. Jeff cut them off so I can donate it to the wig shop where I got my wig. They make wigs for little kids so I decided that would be a good idea. Then Jeff shaved my head while my family all watched and cried with me.  All I could think was why wasn't I like one of those strong women who shave their heads to feel in control.  I know it was hard for Jeff to do, but he really wanted to be the one to do it.  Once it was done I was glad. It felt so good.  And don't worry, it wasn't all sad, we had fun too. When he was almost done I broke into a Sinead O'Conner song...Nothing Compares To You!  I washed my head in the sink and I think everyone had fun taking turns lathering up my bald head.  Sue rubbed some skin relief cream on my head and I was loving it. Jeff keeps telling me how cute I look.  Megan had a hard time, but she ok now.  My dog did a double take. I swear he did!!  Megan, Pam and Sue saw it too and we had a good laugh.

I didn't go to work all week because I was sick.  Everyone at work signed a card for me. I thought that was so nice. By Thursday my counts were back up and I started to feel good again.

I have been getting so many nice gifts.  My friend from the school I work at gave me a plaque with a beautiful saying on it about being a survivor. She also gave me a CD that has some wonderful songs on it.  I also had another friend stop over and her mom knitted some caps  for me! They are too cute. She also brought along lots of goodies! I'm talking donuts, cinnamon rolls, and bagels!  That was so nice! My mom bought a hat for me with a BC ribbon on the front.  Mike and Pam gave me a pink Detroit Tigers hat.  Sue gave me a purple BC hat too! I am going to need a hat rack!  My cousins Mike and MaryLyn also sent a really nice card and I really appreciated the gift they gave me.  I also received a package in the mail from one of my friends on a message board that I have been going on for a few for years! I was so touched by it.  There was a Breast Cancer Sucks mug and water bottle, some queasy drops for an upset stomach, 2 books and  a Survivor shirt.  Her mom is a 2 year survivor and is doing great! They have been sending a lot of good tips and advice my way.  I have been getting so many cards from my friends and family and it is nice to know that I have so much support.

Tomorrow I  will go to my second chemo armed with my Cancer Sucks water bottle!!! Great just when I started feeling good again!



Anonymous said…
You are an amazing women, with a winning attitude.   You go girl. You are blessed with a large family support system.
Hugs and prayers,    Dawn
Anonymous said…
You are great!!! You will beat this - you have such a postitive attitude!! So happy to learn you have so much family and friend support.  Millie x
Anonymous said…

I know that was hard for you to do, I'm sure your head feels better! You look BEAUTIFUL Trish! I LOVE YOU!!
Anonymous said…
Trish, You look great as a baldy!  And great in the hat!  I agree with you that it felt good to get rid of that itchy irritating mess.  I never thought I would say that!  It was funny today at work....hardly anyone even acknowledged that I was wearing a hat!  I guess they thought I might get upset if they mentioned it.  It was too funny!  Of course the people I am closest to said something, so that was good.  Hey I hope your chemo went well today.  Sorry that it had to happen just as you were feeling better, but every time we go, we are getting one step closer to being done and being NED!  Take care and if you need to vent or complain do not hesitate to PM me on the discussion board!  You are one strong lady and we can do this!  BIG hugs to you! Kristin
Anonymous said…
My Jim cut off what was left of mine too....It got to the point that I'd rather be bald then loose handfulls at a time. Cheers to you and me and next year! I'm so glad we discovered one another here in J-Land....nice to know someone else who knows exactly what I mean without a lot of words!
Anonymous said…
You are pretty with or without hair.  Aren't our DH's sweeties for all the things we ask them to do??  We never really thought when we said, in sickness and in health, the sickness part would really come...  anyway, I  like the Cancer sucks water mug.  I think I need one of those.  Hee-hee!  (excuse my rambling, these drugs are good...)
Anonymous said…
Trish, you are a beautiful lady !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa
Anonymous said…
Hi, just to tell you my sister Ann battled breast cancer and has a clean bill of health.  She has been an inspiration to everyone, especially since she lost her pancreas due to a rare cancerous disease years before that.  She is our giant, when it comes to fortitude.  You seem to be tackling yours with the same kind of fortitude!   Gerry
Anonymous said…

I think that it was wonderful of you to donate your hair........something good coming out of something bad.

Must did not look happy  :o)
Love the part aabout the dog doing a double

You look beautiful with or without have the most amazing smile

Stay Happy

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